It’s getting to be the time of year when our young towns-children — and the occasional overachieving parent — are eagerly anticipating an opportunity to dress up like goblins, fairies, fishermen and more and head out in search of goodies and sweets.

Once again, I’m making a list of all the trick or treat opportunities in town for our young candy hunters. If you are interested in having these over-sugared frolickers stop by your home, end of your driveway or other roadside location, please let me know so I can add you to the unofficial official list of homes with the lights on.

The Chilmark Volunteer Firefighter’s Association will host its annual kids Halloween party from 5:00-5:45ish at the Menemsha Crossroad station. Need the scoop? Give me a shout.

Congratulations to Alyssa Kurth, daughter of Wayne and Gigi, who married Joe Shortt last weekend. In typical Kurth family fashion, the couple was surrounded by big family, friends and a whole lot of joy-filled laughter.

A big hip, hip, hooray goes out to Liz Willette and Greg Maynes, who after 10 years walking life’s paths together, decided to make their union official. All gussied up, they quietly made their way to a New Jersey city hall and exchanged vows. They celebrated by taking pictures under a cotton candy sky.

Surrogate little sister Bradley Carroll and Cory Medeiros got to congratulate them in person a few days later on an overnight pit stop. After a secondary pit stop in D.C. to pick up friends, their travels took them to William & Mary college for Bradley’s five-year reunion weekend.

I had a nice email exchange with a name that may be familiar to you. Zee Gamson checked in and happened to mention she’s been working on her memoir. Don’t Play Like a Girl: A Mid-Century Woman Leaps Into Life is in the final stages and once it’s all buttoned up and fit for the masses, we just might see Zee back here for a reading. Although she didn’t share these exact words, I know she extends her warmest regards to you all.

Yes, Zee, it’s my turn to reply on our email exchange. I’ve been a tad under the weather with the cough-fever bug that’s been going around, so lots of life’s little loose ends have been paused. I haven’t forgotten.

If you haven’t yet heard: after almost 10 days on the lam and after romping an area spanning between West Basin and Windy Gates, little pup Guapo was retrieved near Stonewall by his owners Mohawk Bolin and Christine Sargolos. He’s a little ragged from his adventure but in great spirits, with nothing that a good meal and good night of rest won’t cure.

There have been a lot of “remember whens” shared this past week about Shannon Gregory Carbon. They have been a sense of sorrow, but also a true sense of comfort. She managed to retain kindred spirits from her elementary days and willingly grew strong bonds with friends who came a little later in life. To say she will be missed by many is an understatement, but perhaps those pictures, notes and memories will somehow ease you through the sorrow.

If you’re not ready to grieve her loss right away, please know I will be here to catch you when you are.