Another week has gone by and I find myself feeling like there is a cow sitting on my chest rather than an elephant. I think I will consider this a win and call it progress. I do wonder, however, why we use these analogies because, logically speaking, who has ever had a very large animal sit on them? I digress.

Once again, I find myself disconnected, but will do my best to spread what little information I’ve managed to gather from my favorite chair at home.

This past weekend The Loft was filled to the brim with Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School Class of 1973 graduates. A half-century ago Robin and Russell Smith, Kathy Santos Smith, David Norton, Barbara Morgan Armstrong, Kendall Harris and more were amongst the 75 per cent of their classmates to lace up their dancing shoes and gather for a whole bundle of reminiscing. What a memorable time was had by all.

Sharon Bialy didn’t spend as much time at her Chowder Kettle Lane home as she would have liked to, but her lack of Menemsha time was counterbalanced by the arrival of her first grandchild. Born in Paris on Oct. 17 into the loving arms of her parents Josh and Julia, five-pound, seven-ounce Elia Pauline Berlinger is a most welcome addition to the family. Grandmother Sharon is already planning for her to visit Menemsha in July of 2024. In case you are wondering, she is attempting to learn French in preparation and, admittedly, has a long way to go.

We had an eye-catching and out of the ordinary visitor in Menemsha on Monday and Tuesday. A DriX uncrewed surface vehicle made its way from conducting offshore surveys to the fuel dock where it took on some diesel. It made its way to the float dock where it was tied up for the night by its remote control operator so he and his team could conduct some needed maintenance. Its bright red monohull with drop keel looks a bit like a partially-submerged submarine. Apparently it is extremely stable and can cruise along at 14 knots.

The Chilmark Tavern space has made its fall transition to PathwaysArts. Friday, Nov. 3 is their first event so if you are looking for a night out on the town, be sure to drop in on Christina Montoya’s 45-minute salsa class. There will be DJ dancing with the sounds of Salsa to follow. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.

Our very own Bill Eville will kick off Pathways Writing and Poetry series on Nov. 14 as he reads from his book Washed Ashore. Be sure to save that date and look for more information at

Mike Broderick and Mary McConneloug made their way to the Thunder Mountain Bike Park in Charlemont for the Eastern State Cup. According to Mary, it was an intense and grueling day of racing, but they jumped on their bikes in the cold rain and made the most of it. Mike finished ninth on the pro men’s division and Mary made the podium placing fifth in the pro women’s division.

A little chill in the air added to the spooky ambiance of Halloween night in Chilmark. A big shout of appreciation goes to the Chilmark Volunteer Firefighter’s Association for providing a creepily-festive gathering spot for costumed kids to take pictures and consume sweets before setting out in search of more.

Thank you to Dan and Meg Athearn for the amazing pumpkins, gourds and cornstalks. Thank you to Julie Flanders for hay bales and Bill Fielder for delivering them. Double thanks to Liz and Kevin Oliver for not only providing candy to the USCG Station Menemsha, but for creating an epic haunted house for all to enjoy.

There were fairies, fishermen, butterflies, ghouls, goblins and ghosts roaming the streets of town in search of treats. They are thankful for not only the firefighters for distributing but the following: the team at Beetlebung Farm, Chilmark police, Tri-Town Ambulance, Marie and Dan Larsen, Chilmark Church, Claire Ganz, Julie Flanders, Margaret Maida, Kathie Carroll, Judy Mayhew, Janet Weidner and Tom Ruimerman, the Oliver family, Debbi Zetterberg and Stanley Startzell, Annette Cingle and Scott McDowell, Colin Ruel and Nettie Kent, Barbara and John Armstrong, Marilyn Vukota and Keith Fenner, Ann and Hal Noyes, Don and Robin Smith, Debbie Packer and Howie Grim, the folks at Station Menemsha, Joan Caulton and Ed Greenebaum, and Menemsha Texaco.