I got my snow shovel out on Saturday and would like to think that it might have scared the snow away. I don’t mind snow but I didn’t want a foot of it. Now I am listening to the weather and we are going to have a lot of rain. We will see.

Happy birthday to all who celebrated their day this past week. Big balloons go out to Cuyler Fisher, who celebrated on Jan. 1; Hazel Chrebet on Jan. 3; Aliyah Bennett, Acacia Lima and Maria Oliveira, who all celebrated on Jan. 4, and to Jamily Dias who celebrates her day on Jan. 12.

I am home after two weeks of four children, a short trip with the family, a play and two happy holidays — and I am having withdrawals. My house is so quiet with me and the dog and cat — who I missed — and I miss all of my family. Every day was something new, chaos, dishes laundry and craft projects. I would not trade it for the world.

Oh well. I will be back there a few more times this winter as three of the four children have birthdays coming up.

Needless to say that after being away and with the storm coming, I — along with the rest of the Island — went to the Stop and Shop in Edgartown. I like to people-watch so it is kind of fun observing people as they navigate the new area. It is like a pinball machine: you go down one aisle and then you are going back to the front because that is where the next thing on your list is and then you hit a few more areas and end up on the other side of the store. I feel that we are all in the same boat, trying to find what we need.

I talked to Jamie the bakery manager and asked what is happening with his area. He said it should be ready soon and he was told he will be blown away when he sees it. So, time will tell what our next surprise is going to be.

Have a great week and keep the home candles burning.