It is downright cold. There are no other words. If the wind is not blowing, it is tolerable but add that breeze and you are frozen. There are some frozen areas for skating and people of all sizes are enjoying that.

Happy birthday to all who celebrated their day this past week. Big balloons go out to Tabitha Brown, Brian Rodrigues and Henry Scott who all celebrated Jan. 21; Nathan Carleton, Rita Hurley and Addison Shemit on Jan. 22; Joshua Golding on Jan. 24; Larissa Dinis on Jan. 25; and to Diego DaSilva who celebrates on Jan. 26.

It is the quiet time of year, so here is my list of “you know it is winter when...:” the kids at school are all getting rides to school and the ones who are walking are so bundled up you don’t recognize them; you go through town and there are parking spaces; the sale signs are in the store windows but the stores are all locked up; the fishermen are at Dock Street Coffee Shop, waiting for the temperature to be 28 degrees so they can go out scalloping; your car is white from the salt on the street; your big outing is a ride to the post office and even the Stop and Shop, which is an experience these days; you go to turn out of your road and there are no cars coming; you go into Morning Glory and the fire is going and you can walk around without bumping people and there are quiches and pies still available in the afternoon; the ponds are full; people are having pajama days; and Netflix, Hulu and Peacock are your best entertainment.

Spring is not that far away.

If you are home and going through your closets, towels and linens, please keep in mind that Harbor Homes is looking for blankets for the shelter and the homeless. You can take coats to Anchor Reality on Circuit avenue in Oak Bluffs. They will be greatly appreciated.

Have a great week and keep the home candles burning.