As I am writing this, we have not seen the sun in a very long time. But the news is on and they are saying the weekend is supposed to be beautiful. Now maybe I can take the Christmas greens down.

Happy birthday to all who celebrated their day this past week. Big balloons go out to Paige Banks and Alexander Wallace who celebrated their day Jan. 27; Heitor De Oliveira, Thales Fernandes and Julianna Hagerty, Jan. 29; Katherine Carroll on Jan. 31; and to Jordan Donaroma and Jackson Dowd who celebrated Feb. 1.

When I talked to Diane Welch on Tuesday morning, she was sitting at Logan Airport, waiting for her bus home. Diane had spent two weeks in Kapa’au on the northeast coast of the big island of Hawai’i. She did a lot of touring and exploring different areas.

She tried to get to some beaches but some days the surf was too bad to go. She went exploring on one trail and got to the bottom of the hill and found she forgot her camera. When she returned to the top of the hill she was exhausted and figured she would not do that again, but she did and I can’t wait to see the pictures. Sounds like a great trip and welcome back to the cold.

Besides catching up on housework, I am trying to go through all the knitting and crocheting projects I have started in the past. My mom, as well as other moms who knitted or crocheted, always had leftover yarn from projects and used them to make some kind of afghan or scarf. I don’t mind making the squares or strips but I dislike sewing them together.

I am trying really hard to concentrate on cleaning this area up, but I think I am going backwards. Oh well; there is always next winter.

Have a great week and keep the home candles burning.