The sun is shining, the snow is melting, it is warmer and the crocuses and daffodils are showing their little leaves. Plus, school is out for a week, All is good.

Happy birthday to all who celebrated their day this past week. Big balloons go out to Olivia Coyle, who celebrated on Feb. 19; Wyatt Grady and Luca Quinton on Feb. 22; Matheus Lage and Otavio Xavier on Feb. 24; Kallyne Grouga, Feb. 25; and to Valentin Santana who celebrates on March 1.

Once again my computer and I had a battle. It won and I could not get it going again, even after reboot, control, alt, delete and all the stuff they tell you to do to get back what you put in.

My mind once again went back to the Gazette’s longtime town columnist and social events editor Bunny Brown, who typed all of her columns on a real typewriter. She never had to worry about the computer starting, or spell checking the words you want to type, or telling you that you might want to change the wording. Then she just took the paper out and handed it over to the editor.

But now you have to save it in Documents, close out Word, copy it to email and send it to your editor. Hopefully it goes through cyberspace and gets to them. I guess I have to be happy with what I know now; just don’t change it please.

I had free time last Friday and took a ride through town. I ended up parking by the yacht club and watching the non-activity in the harbor.

I looked down to get my coffee and when I looked out, Jack Blake and his helper were pulling in to the dock with a beautiful haul of his farmed oysters. They were bagged nicely, so you knew they were going to some restaurant or fish market. They were dressed in their oilers and it was very chilly out but it did not seem to phase them as they tied up the boat and then got in the truck and drove away. As simple as it sounds, you know it was a good morning’s work for them.

Again we are so lucky to live in such a place.

Have a great week and keep the home candles burning.