Slip Away Farm is looking for an individual to join their field crew full-time, June through August. The field crew position involves many aspects of vegetable and flower production, including seeding, harvesting, planting, pruning and weeding. They want you to walk away from a season at Slip Away with a firm understanding of the methods used in small, no-till agriculture. Visit the Slip Away Farm website to read the full description of the job and the opportunity to apply. This will look great on anybody’s resume.

Make sure to check the Chappy Community Center calendar for updates on upcoming activities. You will want to sign up for the golf tournament fundraiser planned for Saturday, June 22 before all of the tee times are taken. Look at the concert series dates to make sure that you will be home those nights. The CCC is seeking hosts for musicians performing the weekend of July 26 and 27. Musicians from the Verona Quartet will be on island. They have requested air conditioned accommodations as they have rare and delicate instruments. If you have a room or rooms available that weekend (just beds, no meals are necessary) and are interested in hosting or want to learn more, please contact the Chappaquiddick Community Center at

The fabrication of the new loading ramp for the ferry slip on the Chappy side is complete. It will be installed during the weekend of May 11 and 12. If the weather is horrible that weekend, the following weekend of May 18 and 19 will be the backup.

Passengers will be carried during the entire operation but vehicle traffic will be suspended between 9 a.m. on Saturday and 3 p.m. on Sunday. As usual, when the ferry cannot carry vehicles, the fire department and the ferry crew use their backup plan to provide ambulance and fire service to Chappy. As always, call 911 in an emergency.

In order to carry out the installation, part of the Chappy Point parking area will be occupied by construction equipment as well as the new and old ramps. Positioning of equipment on the point will begin on Friday May 10. In case of foul weather, that will occur a week later.

Also, as always, in instances when it is known ahead of time that the Chappy Ferry is unable to carry vehicles for a specific period, you may park a car in town without worrying about the posted time limits as long as your vehicle is in a legal parking space. I recommend not parking overnight on Main Street.