When Brooks was in elementary school, it was a challenge to find books he enjoyed reading. When he was in fourth grade, we stumbled upon a collection of books written by author Cynthia “Dee” DeFelice. Devil’s Bridge and Death at Devil’s Bridge were among the numerous titles that captivated my young dyslexic reader and managed to turn his disdain for reading around. Devil’s Bridge revolves around 12-year-old Ben, who was eager to fish the MV Striped Bass & Bluefish Derby.

Echos of real life and familiar scenes drew Brooks in. Little did he know, Dee was a friend who we would catch up with each fall when she and husband Buzz would trailer their boat from upstate New York for a little R&R and a whole lot of Derby fishing. We’d see them almost daily for the weeks they were in residence. We’d talk fishing, dogs, boats and‑when Brooks became a reader‑books.

I received an early morning text from Buzz over the weekend. His bride of over 50 years had completed her adventure on Earth. Her spirit, love for nature and unwavering dedication to family and friends will live on in those whose lives she touched. She touched ours in a profound way. As I said to Buzz, I will think of her each time I glance to the bookshelf lined with her captivating stories and I will always appreciate the way she turned my non-reader’s world around. A celebration of Dee’s life will take place in August.

Harris Loeser visited his family home off Flanders Lane for a spell and could be spotted amongst the early morning Squid Row coffee crowd. Stories were swapped between sips, as he offered up a play-by-play of the massive tree removal that took place in his Fog City backyard. That story kept his listeners perched on the edge of their seats and may have topped anything we had going on here. Harris has taken his leave for now, but will be back later this summer.

Nephew Emmett Ross has taken up residence for a moment in time. He’s on walkabout from the youthful city he’s currently calling home, Austin, Tex. His bride Becca is with him, along with a circle of friends who happily watched the sun go down over the bell buoy while enjoying a low key fish market dinner.

Pizza on the beach at sunset is always a good way to spend an evening. Pizza on the beach with friends is even better. But pizza on the beach with friends celebrating a birthday is picture perfect. Luma Peach Mayhew celebrated her first birthday surrounded by friends, family, sand, sunset and cupcakes. She is little sister to Ida and daughter of Molly and Matt.

Judy Mayhew, daughter Sarah Shipway and grandson Tyler Shipway have returned from a three-week adventure abroad. Although the trip was truly an adventure, taking in all the sights and sounds of the grand cities of London, Edinburgh and Prague, the most heartfelt and meaningful part of the trip was time well spent reconnecting with family.

In the mix were Judy’s sister Kuki, her husband Roger, their son Jamie, his partner Kristen and daughters Phoebe, Mylie and Josie. Kucki and Roger’s daughter Sophie, husband Mark and their two sons Finley and Coby, along with Judy’s brother Peter were also part of the family reunion. Catching up, cooking together, touring around and sharing quality time topped the list of things to do again and soon. Visiting Prague for the first time, as both Judy’s parents were originally from the Czech Republic, also proved extremely memorable.

Tyler truly enjoyed the opportunity to make a stop in Edinburgh. Like many of us who have visited, he found it fascinating that the rock on which Edinburgh Castle is built is the plug of a volcano. It is believed to be around 350-million-years-old.

I know you’ve eagerly been anticipating the next chapter in our Carolina Wren coop story. The next chapter of the story is here: they have all made their wobbly exit from what quickly became a very crowded nest. They’ve been fluttering about nearby with mama bird calling loudly from time to time. Seven teenagers surely is a lot for one tiny bird to parent.