The Chilmark Community Center Committee met for the first time Thursday to lay out an agenda and a possible path forward for issues surrounding the Chilmark Community Center.

The new committee comes as a direct result of decisions made at a contentious town meeting in April.

A citizen’s petition had been put forward in the weeks preceding town meeting by the Friends and Associates of Chilmark Tennis, proposing the creation of a new town tennis program separate from the Chilmark Town Affairs Council (CTAC), which oversees Chilmark Community Center activities.

Town meeting was overflowing as voters weighed in on the issue. — Ray Ewing

A flashpoint was the future of longtime tennis pro Eddie Stahl.

The petition was withdrawn on town meeting floor, with a compromise offer of creating a committee to investigate over the course of a year the Chilmark Town Affairs Council and draft a report for the select board.

The new resolution passed at town meeting, with the committee to be appointed by town moderator Janet Weidner.

The committee consists of Emily Bramhall, Linda Coutinho, Stephanie DaRosa, John Diamond, Dan Karnovsky, Hillary Noyes-Keene and Matt Poole, with Ms. Weidner and Ronald H. Rappaport acting as ex officio members.

Tennis players rallying around Eddie Stahl in run-up to town meeting.

Mr. Poole was chosen to lead the committee, with Ms. Weidner acting as moderator.

At Thursday’s meeting the new committee came together to discuss goals and logistics.

“You all have different strengths,” Mr. Rappaport told the members. “We hope at the end of the day there will be some sort of a suggestion to the selectmen, which may end up having to go to town meeting, about how this can all work better.”

The committee said it is looking to talk with key stakeholders, including Chilmark Town Affairs Council members, past and present, select board members and the public to inform their decision making.

“I would just love to be able to help figure out how we can make [the center] a really welcoming place for all people to come to at any time of year,” Ms. Bramhall said. “It’s a good opportunity to explore what possibilities are.”

Not on the new committee’s agenda is the fate of Mr. Stahl’s job as summer tennis pro. A proposal at town meeting to secure his job at the community center until after the committee has made its recommendations was voted down. In recent months a LinkedIn hiring post for an “Adult Tennis Pro” has been circulating.

When reached by phone, Chilmark Town Affairs Council president Suellen Lazarus declined to comment on the matter.