Women on Martha’s Vineyard are being urged to join a strike and demonstrate at Edgartown’s Lighthouse Beach on June 24.

The date marks the second anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court decision overturning Roe vs. Wade, the landmark case that legalized abortion in 1973.

“I didn’t think this day should pass in silence,” said Janet Constantino, a nurse-practitioner with Martha’s Vineyard Community Services who is organizing Monday’s demonstration.

“We’re asking individuals, if they can, not to go to work and not to spend [money],” Ms. Constantino told the Gazette Friday.

“If every woman stayed home on June 24, there’d be nobody,” she said. “We support the economy.”

Women are also urged to wear red and to gather at the Edgartown lighthouse with beach chairs from noon to 2 p.m.

“Come, bring your chair and just sit in solidarity,” Ms. Constantino said.

Monday’s protest is part of a global women’s strike, she said.

“It’s dedicated to the fight for equal rights,” Ms. Constantino said.

“Our reproductive freedom is being taken away, health care access is being taken way, there’s an increase in gender-based violence against women,” she said. “It’s an important day.”