Little League World Series competition came to a close for the Vineyard on Monday after the under-twelves team lost 10–0 to Barnstable at home at Penn Field.

“We play baseball, some you win, some you lose,” Coach Ernie Chaves said after the game. “Some go well, some don’t go so well, and this one didn’t go so well.”

Tyler Alton throws from first base. — Ray Ewing

A lefty pitcher for Barnstable sealed what was already a difficult match-up for the Vineyard team, playing against a town nearly three times its size.

“We don’t see lefty pitchers,” Coach Chaves said. “That made it that much harder for us today.”

The U12 team was competing in the early district stages of the international tournament. The southeast district champion will need to secure victories at the state and regional levels before advancing to the Little League World Series, held in South Williamsport, Pa.

The play at the plate. — Ray Ewing

The Island’s under-elevens team also fell out of competition this week after a 11–1 loss against Sandwich.

“Our boys loaded the bases repeatedly but could only scratch across one run in the end,” U11 Coach Dan Doyle reported.

“This was the final game in the Little League World Series for the MV 11’s, but they have a couple of wins to boast for the record books,” Coach Doyle added. “Best of all, they gave their fans so much to cheer about and made their families and coaches proud all four games.”

Shaking hands for a good summer season. — Ray Ewing

Both the U11 and U12 travel team will continue to compete in regional competitions throughout the summer. After Monday’s loss, Coach Chaves said the 12s will take the week off to enjoy the Fourth of July holiday, and then it’s back to the bases.

“We’ll just let them go to the beach, enjoy the summer for another week, and then we’ll get back at it,” Coach Chaves said.