I wished for rain and we got it. We needed it but at times it seemed that the sky really did open. We have been lucky that the humidity has spared us so far.

Happy Birthday to all who celebrated their day this past week. Big balloons go out to Rafael De Assis, Taylor Golding and Itan Nunes who celebrated July 2; Anthonella Dias July 3; William Hagerty, Ava Parker, July 4; and to Peter Rosbeck and Maverick Sylva, who celebrates their day July 5.

Congratulations to Weston and Julia Sequeira on the birth of their daughter Raven Wrenn, who was born June 14. Raven came into this world early and had to spend some time in Boston, but being the strong baby that she is, she is home and doing just fine. Her big brother Sebastian is very happy having a baby sister and makes sure she is not far from his sight. Congratulations to all.

By the time you read this column, the parade would have filled the streets with people and floats, and bands, the fireworks will have filled the sky with colorful shapes and lots of booms, but the town will still be filled with people. Everyday I hear that there are so many people in town and the traffic is terrible. But we all know this happens every summer and we do enjoy it and the friends that visit every year.

The library has put out their July newsletter and all their activities for the month. My favorite event has finally arrived — music on the lawn will start Tuesday, July 9 with Missis Biskis as the first musicians to kick off the summer. The music starts at 6:30 p.m. and lasts for an hour. Bring a pizza or a picnic dinner and enjoy. The library has chairs for all.

I hope you all had a great holiday and now on to the rest of the summer. You can fill it with beach time, and family, barbeques and picnics. What ever it is, take time and enjoy.

Have a great week and keep the home candles burning.