She has dreamed of this moment. She’s been talking about it, with no exaggeration, for years. It was almost six months to the day after turning 16 that the worries about parallel parking and hand signals and coming to complete stops at every stop sign would be tested. She quietly got behind the wheel with the oh-so-scary examiner and started the car.

She must have followed the instructions well because the day has come that 16-year-old Emily Boyd has her driver’s license. A sense of freedom has made her giggly. An adult-like responsibility weighs heavy. She has now been congratulated on this milestone on the Menemsha Texaco chalkboard, social media and now in glorious newsprint. She will be thrilled with this public call out. Congratulations Emily.

I’m not sure how I failed to mention the arrival of Greta, Jack Lenkner along with their parents Erin Delaney and Travis. They have happily been nestled into their south side home taking glorious adventures with cousin Harriett Robinson and her mom Liz. Liz, husband John and Harriett call Charlottesville, Va. home while the Delaney/Lenkner clan will make a big move from Chicago to London.

I also had the pleasure of catching up with grandmother Betsey Delaney who was having a little one-on-one time with Jack.

Sisters Phoebe, Isabel, Meghan and Sophie Parker all converged on town and aligned their visit with parents Becky (Harrison) and David. The 20-somethings have all gone in their own directions with work and continuing educations, but their paths always cross in Chilmark. Eldest Sophie, one of Bradley’s dearest, only managed a couple of days in town because the internet airline debacle disrupted her plans. Extending her stay didn’t work as pup Bailey was awaiting for her to return home to Denver. A brief visit is better than no visit.

Ronin Parsons, grandson of Connie (Athearn) and Bob Taylor, has called Homeward Way home for the past two months. He not only helped Connie celebrate her birthday, but he’s also had fabulous cousin time with Story and Weston Taylor, Clara, Penny and Zeb Athearn on the beach, in the boat and wetting a line to reel in a fish or two. School starts early in California so back home he will go, but a head full of fun memories he will take with him and savor until next time.

Henry and Oscar Jordan-Levy, along with their moms Deborah and Jayne, have spent the past month or so at grandmother Linda Levy’s home on Middle Road. Work for the Chilmark Beach Department and Menemsha Texaco respectively has filled much of their time, but not all. Fun has been had, but New York is calling them back home.

The Chilmark Church lobster roll crew has been busy, not only prepping, packaging and selling but celebrating one of their key participant’s 19th birthday’s this past week. Connie Williams celebrated with cake and a little dancing. Stop by the church Tuesdays from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. to make your purchase while supplies last and, of course, to maybe catch a moment with Emily Broderick, Kathie Carroll, Brian Kennedy, Ann and Hal Noyes, Connie Williams, Claire Ganz, Corie Lanning, Virginia Stone and more.

Scott Darling is in town from Pennsylvania with his boat, Slak Tide. He managed to get out on the water with a couple of friends and put a bluefin in the boat. Fishing also produced some Black Sea Bass and a couple of Bluefish.

Tosh and Marni Fischer arrived a few days ago with their parents Andrew and Emma in tow. Hugs, cuddles and outings with grandpa Albert are high on the priority list along with arts and crafts with great aunt Ann Wallace. Beach adventures, ice cream eating and chilly water swimming with cousin Gene and his folks Chris and Amy are also high on the to do list. I’m not certain, but Marni just might be missing a tooth.