Potluck suppers are back. They are the epitome of the purpose of the Chappy Community Center. Bring a dish to serve eight. Ice cream dessert will be provided for this first one of the season on Wednesday, September 18 from 6 to 8 p.m. Mark your calendar for every third Wednesday of the month thereafter.
The US Coast Guard will perform the annual in-the-water inspections of the Chappy ferryboats on Tuesday, September 10. One ferry at a time goes out of service to demonstrate a fire drill and an overboard rescue for the inspectors. Figure on having a longer wait between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. that day. It won’t take the whole three hours, but the start time depends upon the SSA, so that’s an unknown.
Keep in mind that the day after the end of the Derby only one ferryboat will be in service. That will be on Sunday, October 20 when the shorter of the two ferryboats heads for Vineyard Haven for its biennial maintenance and inspection haul out.
As of Wednesday morning, there were three areas of possible hurricane development in the tropics. Keep an eye on the National Hurricane Center website or Mike’s Weather Page. The peak of hurricane season activity is yet to come.
This is the 32nd year for the OctoberFish tournament sponsored by Larry’s Tackle Shop. The tournament runs through the month of October, with an awards celebration in early November. Larry’s Tackle Shop is owned by Chappy’s own Melissa and Peter Sliwkowski.
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