The Edgartown annual town meeting has been moved to Saturday, June 13, after selectmen decided that it would be better to hold the event on a weekend.

The annual town meeting has been postponed and rescheduled multiple times this spring due to the ongoing pandemic, with the most recent previous date set for Tuesday, June 16.

The annual town election will remain on Thursday, June 18.

Town meeting will take place under a tent outside the Edgartown School, and begin at 1:30 p.m. Although other towns have decided to hold their meetings at the Oak Bluffs Tabernacle, selectmen said parking would be easier at the school, and the tent would not be prohibitively expensive.

“I still think the best option is adjacent to the school,” town administrator James Hagerty said. “Based on the price, based on the parking, based on getting people there and hopefully people coming.”

— Noah Asimow