New arrivals at the Big Bridge on the evening of August 23 received a candle from volunteers wearing “MV Will Never Forget” T-shirts bearing the images of Tavaris and Tavaughn Bulgin. Over the next hour, the more than 100 friends and supporters of the Bulgin family heard words of faith, words of thanks for first responders and words of remembrance of the two young men.

The vigil came nine days after the brothers died jumping from the bridge with co-workers on August 14.

Rev. Stephen Harding of Grace Church in Vineyard Haven, who hosted the vigil, asked the family to take comfort in their faith.

“When things like this happen, people wonder where God might be. The answer is right in front of you,” he said, pointing to the multitude of people surrounding the family.

The Rev. Omar George, a close friend of the boys and their father, asked those gathered to “Remember them tonight as two of Jamaica’s finest sons.”

Reverend George also expressed gratitude for the police, fire and other rescue workers, as well as those showing support in other ways.

“The people of this Island — you have been so kind. We thank you for your well wishes,” he said.

“We want you to remember Tavaris and Tavaughn,” Reverend George continued. “The nation of Jamaica is grieving and we can’t wait to take them home.”

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