With eager anticipation, Robin Smith has been slowly starting to make preparations for her dad Don’s arrival. It is still a tad on the chilly side for his 94-year-old Florida snowbird blood but nevertheless we eagerly look forward to the day he makes the journey north. Despite the nighttime dips in temperature, it is time for him to be nestled in overlooking the head of the harbor. Chilly nights are exactly what warm sweaters are for.

Speaking of warm sweaters, Andy Rice, the famous sheep shearer from Hoggett Hill Farm in Halifax, Vt. has arrived at the Allen Farm to tend to their flock among others. Andy, who has been shearing for more than 40 years, has studied with the best. Now that he’s in his mid-70s he has started passing on his wisdom to the next generation.

Andy is a pleasure to talk to. I managed to snag a visit with him Monday evening about 12 hours before the spring shearing in Chilmark would commence. Tuesday morning, he and his team would tackle the deworming, medicating and shearing of his more than 250,000 sheep.

He plans to be in town shifting, flipping, spinning and calmly talking to the animals as he follows a meticulous pattern with his shears. When the work day is done, Andy hopes to jig a few squid to put on ice and take home to his bride.

Tim Case popped into Menemsha harbor, secured his boat to the dock and headed south to Old Hunt Place to dote on his mom Mary Jane Pease. It wasn’t her birthday; that’s not until June. It wasn’t Mother’s Day, although it was close. It was simply a visit just because.

Helen and Arne De Keijzer spent a little time at the Larsen Lane home, prepping it for the summertime comings and goings of family and friends. Soon, grandson Jacob will be frolicking through town with his parents Hannah and Michael trailing behind. Perhaps, he will stop by the Texaco for an ice cream treat. If I recall correctly, strawberry shortcakes were the 2022 favorite.

A congratulatory shout-out goes to Quinn (Cruiser) Keefe, eldest son of Lori and Craig. Quinn, of Steamboat Springs, Colo. and a summertime Chilmark resident, recently graduated from University of Colorado Boulder. With a little extra effort, he managed to complete his degree with honors in three short years. Along with his folks, siblings Allie and Grady watched him cross the stage and receive his diploma. Of course, they all cheered.

A big thumbs up and high five goes to 20-year old Bella Thorpe who was one of eight riders chosen to participate in the United States Dressage Federation’s International Equestrian Federation’s Youth Clinic Series. Yes, that’s a mouthful so it’s typically just called USDF FEI. Taught by top U.S. riders, the goal of the series is to provide hardworking and talented young riders an opportunity to excel in their discipline. Bella and her horse Bella will spend a fews days at Weatogue Stables, nestled in the northwesternmost corner of Connecticut.

The 110-foot USCG Cutter Sanibel anchored up off Menemsha this past weekend. Built in 1985, she is soon scheduled to be decommissioned. It was a Mother’s Day weekend treat for family and friends to take a cruise aboard her across Vineyard Sound. A few folks came ashore to visit Station Menemsha, breathe in the salt air and soak up a little sunshine.

I first met Elsie Baer in the aisles of Up-Island Cronig’s. It was either 1997 or 1998; Bradley was a tiny human, but not an infant, at the time. She struck up a conversation with us and we strolled the aisles together, gathering our supplies. We then parted ways, but somehow bumped into one another in about the same location a couple of weeks later. This would happen pretty regularly in the following years, but as she aged and my daughter was no longer of carrying on my hip size, these moments became less frequent. I hadn’t seen her in quite some time, but would hear her name on occasion in conversations with her daughter Carolyn.

At the age of 92 and about a month shy of 93, Elsie bid farewell to her time on Earth. The last time I saw her she was wearing a silky yellow blouse with a bow-like collar. Her hair was perfectly done and she was smiling. I’ll remember her like that and hope you do, too.