The heat has arrived and so has the fog. We are at the crossroads of clothes: warm enough for T-shirts but we still might need those sweaters or sweatshirts.

Happy birthday to all who celebrated their day this past week. Big balloons go out to Anna Miller, who celebrated on June 11; Ana Amaral-Espinoza on June 13; and to Christopher Greene and Zeke Thibodeau, who celebrated their day on June 14.

June is the sixth month of the year and it is the beginning of summer. It has so many happenings and these are busy times. It is a very popular month for weddings because many want to be a June bride — and from what I hear there are a lot of weddings scheduled on the Island. It is graduation month; the high school held its graduation this past weekend and the Edgartown School graduation is on Friday, June 16. Congratulations to all.

More signs of summer: the sounds of the lawn mowers, the bird singing at four in the morning, still light at nine at night, more bike riders, kid playing basketball after dinner, people walking downtown for dinner, and you can see the steamships at the dock in Oak Bluffs when you go around the bend in the road. You can sit outside on the deck and have a cup of coffee in the morning. And, of course, the sound of pinkletinks.

The nursery is full of annuals and perennials. The colors are beautiful. There is lots of watering to do and cleaning, but it is all worth it. I am not making fun of people because everyone wants to have a beautiful garden or nice planters, but the most popular question is, “What can I plant in full sun, does not need cleaning and doesn’t need a lot of water?” There is not an answer but we try. And hopefully their renters will be kind and throw some water on them.

Drive carefully and please keep an eye on the bike paths. I have noticed the electric bikes speeding away but most are kids and they are not wearing helmets. I just want to see us all have a safe summer.

Have a great week and keep the home candles burning.