It is September and we are having a heatwave. The nights get cool and you sometimes need a sweater or light jacket to wear, but I don’t think it will be necessary this week.

So, if it stays warm, does the rule about not wearing white after Labor Day stay in effect?

Happy Birthday to all who celebrated their day this past week. School has not started yet, so I will get the birthday list next week, hopefully. With my past history, you should take bets on how long it will really take me.

How we know it is Labor Day: the school parking lot is full of teachers’ cars as the teachers are getting their classrooms ready; the traffic has slowed down a bit; there are parking spaces at the beach; there are parking spaces at the Edgartown pharmacy and in line there are only two people in front of you getting their prescriptions and you know them, The fishing derby sign has been hung up on the weigh station in the yacht club parking lot.

Kassidy Bettencourt Williamson was the guest of honor at her baby shower, held at her parents Tony and Erika Bettencourt. It was a beautiful day and Kassidy was radiant. She and husband Andrew are expecting their first baby in November. Andrew’s parents Leslie and Greg were there, with Greg helping Tony to serve sandwiches, desserts and, of course, Tony’s chowder. It was a fun afternoon with the families, workmates and school friends. It was nice to watch the next generation together and see their families growing.

Don’t forget: there are only 15 Fridays until Christmas. I know it sounds annoying but the way this summer went, Christmas will be here in no time. Now if I can take my own advice and just buy one present a week, December will be much easier.

Have a great week and keep the home candles burning.