It is the time of year when you dress in the morning and go outside to find you dressed too warm, so layers is the way to go. We are enjoying the sunshine even though we have threats of showers each afternoon.

Happy Birthday to all who celebrated their day this past week. Big balloons go out to Matheus Sandoval, who celebrated Oct. 15, Arthur Avansini and Wolfgang Goff on Oct. 17, John Curelli on Oct. 18, and to Lara Hathaway and Maya Wallace who celebrate their day on Oct. 20.

Ned and Tina Casey work hard all summer as landscapers. So when fall gets here it is not unusual for them to take a trip to their favorite place, which is Italy. They have such a love for Italy and its beauty and they love the food. Tina is known for making her own sauce out of all the tomatoes she and Ned grow. Of course, they were also able to enjoy some of Italy’s finest culture before heading home. I will look forward to hearing about next year’s trip.

Paula Smith, Noelle Bagnall and Amy Billings have been friends for more than 50 years. They have been through many things together and of course they love to travel together. They, too, found their way to Italy. The three of them always have fun wherever they go, and Italy was no different.

The spring bulbs are in, and it is time to get them in the ground. It seems like a lot of work to get them all in, but when spring comes — and you are down and done with the cold and maybe snow — and they start to come up and bloom, it gives you a lift. It helps you make it through the next couple of months that are still cold and maybe snowy.

The holidays are coming quick. Children are looking forward to Halloween; then in a few short weeks it will be Thanksgiving; shortly after, Christmas will arrive. I have already seen some Christmas advertising and some Christmas decorations coming out in the floral department.

I put the warning out not too long ago, but when I checked a few days ago it is only nine and a half weeks until Christmas. No, I did not listen to my own advice and now I am scrambling for ideas for gifts.

Have a great week and keep the home candles burning.