Although recreational bay scallop season has been open for just more than a month, commercial season just opened on Monday, Nov. 13. Families have been dip netting up until this point but now that commercial season is open drags can be used with the exception of in Muddy Cove.

You can get your shellfish permit on the town website or pop in to the town hall and have a quick chat with Dilly DeBlase. Be sure to connect with our shellfish constable Isaiah Scheffer should you have questions and, as always, be respectful and gather only the allotted limit.

The remarkable young women whom I will always consider my extra daughters, even though they no longer have sleepovers at my house, celebrated their 28th birthdays on Nov. 15. Although part of me wishes they were still those little girls putting on plays and musical performances alongside my daughter or, perhaps, crammed around a computer screen while waddling around the virtual world of Club Penguin, I am proud of the adult lives they’ve created for themselves. Happy birthday, Mariah and Jessica Campbell.

Also celebrating on the 15th were Judy Mayhew and Tara Larsen. I hope there was plenty of cake involved in the festivities. I can’t overlook Josh Dix, who will turn the milestone age of 21 on the 23rd.

Don’t forget you can get your fix of Salt Rock Chocolates on Wednesdays and Saturdays through Dec. 20. You can find Allison and Sarah Flanders, along with their decadent treats, popping up at Pandora’s Box. They’ve set a five-pound limit per customer so plan wisely.

The day Summer Dawn departed Menemsha harbor under tow, bound for the Martha’s Vineyard Shipyard, was a bittersweet one for not only Captain John Larsen but for the entire community. John downsized back in May and has been waiting for just the right new owner to come along for his classically-lined, dark green-hulled New England lobster boat. From what I understand, she will head to Maine for some restoration work and then return to become part of an interactive learning experience at the Martha’s Vineyard Museum. What an interesting opportunity.

Almost as if they were two ships passing in the night, young Matteus Scheffer cruised into Menemsha harbor with his new lobster boat, Trap Queen. We have yet another next-generation fisherman to keep a watchful eye over. May he have tremendous success.

West Tisbury-ite Alex Karalekas has his shingle out again and he’s gathering names for the next Potluck Jam to be held at the Chilmark Community Center on Nov. 25. I’m not 100 per cent certain, but after creating this event back in 2007, this just might be the 60th gathering. I’m not sure who’s made their way onto the shingle list yet, but the lineup is always one to be oohed and aahed over. Don’t forget the food: bring some and enjoy some. It starts at 6 p.m.

There’s a little more exciting news for UVM junior Bella Thorpe, daughter of Julie Flanders and Bart. She and her American Hanoverian, Bela Ymas, have been ranked second at the Prix Saint George level by the U.S. Dressage Federation. I will admit I don’t know much about the dressage world, but what I do know is this is a big deal and one worth of a hug, a high five and a sugar cube for the equine Bela.

May your Thanksgivings bring all of your wanderers from afar back home to your hearth. May your travels bring you to loved ones you want to sit up to the wee hours of the morning chatting with. May you be surrounded by family, friends and good cheer. May you tell stories, sing songs and complain of full bellies. May you take a wander down a path lit by the setting sun. May you enjoy what you have and, perhaps, make your thanks last for more than one day.