It seems the cold is about to start as we go into the holidays. Right now I am battling leaves as some of the trees are done dropping theirs; I have three trees that seem to be laughing at me. I feel it will be December before the battle is over this year.

Happy birthday to all who celebrated their day this past week. I will list the school birthdays next week.

When starting to write this column, I noticed that this is the last Friday in November. In two weeks it will be Christmas in Edgartown. It is a great time of year. The town will be lit up in style; people are in good moods; and some families visit for the weekend. It starts on Friday night with the lighting of the Edgartown Lighthouse and continues to be an active weekend with many events.

Teresa Yuan had a bucket list to go to the Southwest. Her daughter Emma Lovewell planned a trip to fulfill that dream. First they flew to Denver, Colo. where they went to the Art District. Emma said she was pretty sure they hit every museum. The next day they went to see the Grand Canyon in Arizona. Emma surprised Teresa with a hot air balloon ride and then they went on a Grand Canyon tour. What a special mother and daughter trip that will soon not be forgotten.

Have a great week and keep the home candles burning.