Fog. It’s been a frequent house guest lately.

She’s embraced us each morning as we rose, slowing our up and at ‘em attitudes. She’s pushed her way just a bit off shore midday, but rolled her sticky, moist hands back just in time to put a damper on the ability to witness the sunset. She’s been a bit like that proverbial bad penny reappearing day after day. Let’s hope, by the time you read this, there’s been a glorious sunset to brighten the spirits.

Alex and Christian (Parker) Sarason, along with their eldest Nicholas, are back in town for about a month’s time catching up with family and friends and squeezing in work remotely. Nicholas recently graduated high school back in Seattle and younger brother Ben is off at camp but will join his family once the session of fun and frolic comes to an end.

Well wishes to Genc Brinja who took a helicopter ride to Boston, landing him at Brigham & Women’s for an appendectomy. He’s home recovering and will soon be ready to enjoy the rest of what summer has to offer.

Peter and Amy Harrison have been in town along with their three gals; Ellie, Hannah and Lucy. They’ve been roaming around town taking early morning swims and joining the coffee club on Squid Row but hot chocolate is their preference. They’ve been enjoying the company of two friends from home so it’s been quite a scene with five gals under one roof.

My first born and favorite daughter, Bradley Carroll, received accolades from family, friends and coworkers and a handy, dandy certification from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts upon completion of the Department of Public Health Emergency Medical Services EMT Instructor/Coordinator training. Yes folks, not only is she a kick-butt paramedic but she can teach y-o-u to become an EMT. I’m having a proud mom moment.

Susan Heilbron and Andy Goldman continue their birding adventures around town. Andy is quite handy—an unintentional rhyme there—with a camera. I’ve been the lucky recipient of a handful of his snapshots via email. It really has sparked my interest in ornithology. I took my very own snapshot of an egret and black-crowned night heron fishing side-by-side on the fuel dock the other evening.

There isn’t typically room for calendar items in the town column but Tom Dresser’s persistence manages to squeeze his way in here this week. He and his wife Joyce will present their new book, A Culinary History of Martha’s Vineyard at the Chilmark Library, Wednesday July 24 at 4:30 p.m. Tom’s historical research and Joyce’s foodie research, as Tom notes, “will whet your appetite for more stories about Vineyard dining.”

The Patete family returned to Menemsha on their boat Panasea this past weekend. In tow, along with Aileen and John, were daughters Adeline, Alice and Bridget and a friend Sidney. This weekend’s visit took them all the way to Edgartown to celebrate dear friend Buffy Carroll’s birthday.

It doesn’t really feel like summer until there’s spontaneous music made on Squid Row. Sunday evening, friends Willie Mason, Rose Guerin, Brad Tucker, Geordie Gude and a handful more along with Brad’s Mastiff George strummed, harped and passionately sang a few favorites for a small but pleasant crowd that quietly gathered. Margaret Maida, Susan Murphy and for a spell Bill Kirkland, were all front and center.