Due to rainy, windy weather, the Kids Derby has been rescheduled for Sunday, Sept. 29, the Gazette learned at press time Thursday.

Vineyard kids will wait another week to cast their hooks into the deep-rooted Island tradition.

Fishing will begin at 6 a.m. at the Oak Bluffs Steamship Authority Wharf.

Part of the monthlong striped bass and bluefish derby, the free event is open to kids ages four to 14, with bait supplied and no prior registration required. 

Derby president John Custer has fond memories of the contest.

“I fished it when I was a kid, back in the early 80s, and brought my kids when they were young,” he said. “It’s just one of my favorite days of the derby.”

Mr. Custer thanked the Steamship Authority for arranging the ferry schedule around the derby.

“It’s the one day here where they allow [fishing] from that pier,” he said.   

The event is run by Cooper and Lela Gilkes, both longtime derby participants and owners of Coop’s Bait and Tackle.

“They deserve all the credit, and they take none, because that’s their nature,” Mr. Custer said. “But they deserve all the credit for that event going back decades. They wanted to promote kids and fishing and families together. During the derby, when much of the Island is focused on fishing, they said, well, let’s have a day that’s about the kids.”