A group art show called Blank Slate will move into the Tisbury Springs Building in Vineyard Haven on Sept. 27 and 28 from 3 to 9 p.m. each day.

The exhibit features lesser-known artists representing numerous mediums, according to organizer and artist Isaac Hurwitz.

“It was basically [trying] to represent artists who maybe tend to not show the normal Vineyard work,” Mr. Hurwitz said. “The aim was to just have a group of ‘outsider artists’ of Martha’s Vineyard.”

Work from 19 artists will be shown, with Janice Frame being the only artist whose work has been presented in a gallery.

“She was kind of a mentor for a lot of us growing up here [who took] her class in high school,” Mr. Hurwitz said.

Mr. Hurwitz grew up on the Island and attended San Francisco Art Institute. He said he wanted to bring the informal art shows he was a part of during college back home to the Island.

“I encouraged everybody to make whatever they want [and emphasized that] it’s not necessarily about selling, and more about showing and exploring concepts,” he said. “It’s nice to sell things, but I don’t think that should be at the core of making work.”

Mr. Hurwitz hopes that the show can become a permanent fixture of the art scene on the Vineyard.

“We’re just gonna see how this one goes, and maybe start to build a community that could do this more frequently,” he said. “It’d be nice to just have a gallery that could show abnormal stuff that people on the Vineyard are making that might not fit into the classic landscapes and seascapes.”