Chilmark prepared for the Fourth of July in great style. We had a double rainbow one evening, the appearance of a full moon another, along with beautiful beach days and the arrival of many friends and family members. It should make for many happy memories for us all.
Chilmark, with the help of the VTA bus service, is now running in-town bus route No. 12. It will provide bus service from the lot above the Tabor House transfer station to Menemsha all day. The service begins at 8:25 a.m. and ends at 5:21 p.m. This bus will run only on fair weather days. Let’s hope it helps some folks get to the beach and frees up some parking at that popular spot.
There are many entertainments planned for your enjoyment in July and early August.
First of all, the Martha’s Vineyard Chamber Music Society begins its season on July 9 and 10. The performances are free to the public both nights, Monday at the Whaling Church in Edgartown and Tuesday at the Chilmark Community Center, beginning at 8 p.m. Both performances are dedicated to the late Gretchen Feldman and offered to us by her family. This unusual tribute to a beloved and talented artist and Chilmark neighbor will be much appreciated by those who come to hear the gifted artists performing this program of classical music. We send many thanks to Sam and his daughters and their families, and we salute our much missed friend Gretchen.
The West Tisbury Congregational Church will hold its annual attic and barn sale on July 14 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the grounds of the church. All proceeds benefit the historic church. The rain date is July 15.
Attic and barn treasures along with many other temptations are on display at the Chilmark Community Church flea markets, held twice a week at the Jenkinson field on North Road. The sales begin at 9 a.m. on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
The Chilmark library will host a talk and slide show on Wednesday, July 11 at 5:30 p.m. Andy Goldman will give a lecture and slide show about the recent trip he made with his wife, Susan Heibron. His talk is called Egypt and Jordan: After the Arab Spring. The talk is free to the public and sponsored by the Friends of the Chilmark Library.
The Aquinnah library presents June Manning speaking about the Wampanoag tribal contributions to daily Vineyard life. This will be on Tuesday, July 18, at the old Aquinnah town hall from 5 to 6:15 p.m. June is a well-known and beloved Vineyarder who is the historian and genealogist for the Wampanoag tribe and she writes the Aquinnah column for this paper. By the by, June can make the recitation of a grocery list a memorable event, so get there early; she has many fans.
Chilmark resident Monina von Opel is presenting Through The Night, a program written and performed by Daniel Beaty, on Friday, July 27, at 8 p.m. at the Union Chapel in Oak Bluffs. The proceeds are to benefit the Vineyard Playhouse. Tickets may be purchased at ticketsmn.com/beaty. We thank Monina for her hard work for this Vineyard landmark.
The Chilmark firefighters will hold their annual Backyard Bash at the community center on August 1 from 4 to 8 p.m. The firefighters are asking for volunteers from the community to help do the food and activities of the event. You can e-mail tcarroll@vineyard.net or contact any volunteer firefighter.
Hariph and Ginger Smith of Winthrop, Me. are at the family home on Larsen Lane. Their son Chris is there year round. Their son Nathanial and his wife, Megan, of Portland, Me., are here with their daughter, Evelyn, for the holiday visit.
Bill and Susan Shanok are at their Middle Road home for the summer and early fall. They are looking forward to family visits.
Bill and Zelda Gamson of State Road had enjoyed a recent visit from their daughter, Jenny, and her husband, Steve Seckler, of Norton, who were here with their young adults, Maya, Ari and Gilad. Steve and Jenny left recently for a vacation in Tuscany while the young folks are off to camp in Stockbridge. Bill and Zee’s son Josh is now here from Oakland, Calif. with his daughters, Reba and Maddy. Richard Knight, who is an emergency room doctor back in Oakland, will join the family soon.
Linda Fairstein has been at her Chilmark home but is now off on a national book tour promoting her newest book, Night Watch, which is due out on July 10. And a word to the wise, if you are a fan of the fast-paced mysteries, you might want to call your local library and reserve a copy. Linda will be on the Today show on July 10 and the tour will end at the Bunch of Grapes on July 28. Good luck, Linda, and thanks for the hours of reading pleasure!
I hope you all enjoyed a cheery Fourth of July and are ready for the busy summer to come!
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