Air quality tests will be done in the Tisbury town hall following a painting and renovation project that caused complaints among town workers about fumes inside the building.
At their meeting last week, the Tisbury selectmen voted to spend $900 on the testing. “After the painting and all the work that revolved around the process, we thought it would be helpful to have some kind of air quality testing done, to know what’s in the air, if anything at the moment,” town administrator John Bugbee told the board.
Finance director Tim McLean said three employees are still working off-site at the town hall annex, and he asked for two tests to be conducted — one for mold and one for volatile organic compounds.
“These employees don’t want to come back,” Mr. McLean said. “They still feel ill when they come into the building. So unless we have something concrete to show them that the air is healthy, it’s going to be a hard time getting them to come back . . . I don’t want to jeopardize their health if there really is something.”
In other business, the selectmen discussed with harbormaster Jay Wilbur the issue of replacing a motor on one of two harbor pump-out boats. The motor will cost $10,000 to replace, money selectman Tristan Israel said the town does not have.
“The boat broke. The engine broke. We need ten grand to fix it. We need to order something but can’t order something without money in hand,” Mr. Israel said.
He suggested asking the finance committee for a reserve fund transfer.
But selectman Jeff Kristal said he had learned about the possibility of state grant money to pay for the motor. In that light, the selectmen decided to wait a week before making a decision on the matter.
The selectmen also heard from Melinda Loberg, representing the harbor management and Tashmoo management committees, about long-term planning for the wastewater pump-out program.
Mrs. Loberg said the committees anticipate an increase in demand for pump-outs in the harbor once the Clean Vessel Act takes effect in 2013 in Vineyard waters, with the exception of the Steamship Authority shipping lanes.
She said immediate recommendations include a possible disposal fee for commercial marinas, keeping records of gallons pumped from each vessel, and reviewing schedules of pump-outs in order to improve efficiency.
“Another part is education,” Mrs. Loberg said. “Letting people know that there will be a no-discharge zone, and that they have the responsibility to have a tight tank and a closed tank.”
At the end of the discussion, the selectmen instructed Mr. Bugbee to put together a scope of work for the next meeting.
Selectmen granted a hawker’s and peddler’s license to DeBorah Johnson to sell smoothies on the corner of Union street, next to the information booth.
Joining her in the street life will be Tanja Stojanoska, who was approved for a busker permit to play classical guitar.
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