A Balm for Mother Earth
It’s never easy being a mother. But imagine being mother to 6,898,909,932 people. And that number of children represents just this exact moment. By the time you finish reading this at least another few million births will be added.
Let’s face it: Mother Earth has to be one tired lady what with all us kids tromping about. Perhaps sending her a love note this Valentine’s Day would be a good start to getting back in her good graces. Not to worry if you don’t know what to say or how to say it. This Saturday from 6:30 to 9 p.m., the Yoga Barn is hosting a valentine’s affair for our planet led by Toltec elder and indigenous healer, Dabadi Thaayrohyadi.
Thaay, as he is known, has been on a year-long, world tour of peace and healing leading up to a sacred ceremony taking place at the Otomi Ceremonial Center in Temoaya, Mexico later this spring. This Saturday he will lead participants in a ceremony of chanting, singing and drumming in an effort to send out a sonic Valentine for the Earth and all its inhabitants. The cost for the event is a $15 donation at the door; children under 12 free. For more information about the event, visit marthas-vineyard-yoga-barn.com. To learn more about Thaay’s work and mission, visit 8000drums.com and Indigenousuniversity.org.
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