The Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School district committee approved changes to the student handbook at their monthly meeting this week that include revised policies on discipline, tardiness and academic honesty.
The new disciplinary section of the handbook reflects how the school wants students to behave rather than what they should not do, assistant principal Andrew Berry told the committee. Renamed code of conduct, the section addresses general conduct and dress expectations.
The criteria for detention and Saturday school, a longstanding method of meting out punishment for tardiness, also have been revised.
Committee member Roxanne Ackerman opposes the Saturday school but was a lone voice among committee members. “It’s a progressive discipline policy; if you have to get to the point of Saturday school, you’ve earned it,” committee member David Rossi said.
The academic honesty section has been revised to address plagiarism.
In other business the committee also approved a new scholarship fund for student activities; the fund will provide financial assistance for students who cannot afford to participate in field trips and other school activities. The fund will be seeded with some $7,800 from the accounts of student organizations that are now inactive.
The manager of the Martha’s Vineyard Sharks collegiate baseball team, Jerry Murphy, approached the committee about naming rights for the baseball field where the new collegiate league will play this summer. Vineyard schools superintendent Dr. James H. Weiss recommended against the practice of naming rights on high school property. The committee will continue the discussion at their next meeting, as the item was not on the agenda.
Public schools business administrator Amy Tierney reported that the state has certified $777,056 in excess and deficiency funds for the high school. The fund is ordinarily used for emergency spending needs.
Susan Mercier stepped down as chairman after leading the committee for three years. Committee member Priscilla Sylvia was elected chairman and Colleen McAndrews vice chairman.
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