Edgartown selectmen tackled a series of issues related to public access to the waterfront this week.
First, the board chided contractor John Nugent for leaving equipment blocking access to a public landing on the harbor at the end of Cottage Street.
Mr. Nugent has been working for some time on a large renovation project on a North Water street home owned by Brian O’Brien.
Selectman and board chairman Arthur Smadbeck said on a site visit he observed equipment in the middle of Cottage Street. Mr. Nugent said the equipment was moved after the visit.
Selectmen also heard from the town zoning board of appeals about the need to trim and cut back shrubbery on a little-known public walking path that runs along the front of a large home owned by Jim and Susan Swartz at Starbuck’s Neck. The board of appeals asked the selectmen to make sure that the 10-foot-wide path remains open and not overgrown with shrubbery. A condition attached to an approval for an addition to the Swartz home requires that a discreet but visible “walkers welcome” sign be posted on the walking trail tucked behind Fuller street beach.
Conservation agent Jane Varkonda said in addition to trimming back the shrubbery, the owners should take down three private property signs.
Selectman Michael Donaroma said he liked that the path was out of sight from the general public.
“I think it’s fine,” he said. “It seems kind of neat. It’s one of those hidden gems and I like that feeling and I think the conservation commission usually encourages that. I was surprised to hear the conservation commission would encourage a 10-foot path.”
In other business, selectmen gave approval to a valet parking company to have a stand at the Colonial Inn on North Water street in addition to one at the Atlantic Restaurant at the foot of Main street.
Cape Cod Guest Services operates the service, which is available to the general public as well as diners and inn guests. Selectmen allowed a trial service last summer outside the Atlantic. The service parks its cars on North Summer street.
Selectmen also approved a request from the Square Rigger restaurant on Upper Main street to dig beneath the Edgartown-Vineyard Haven Road to connect to the town sewer, asking that the work be completed by the end of the month.
And the board accepted the resignation of Ned Southworth from the library board of trustees. Selectmen will advertise for the position and appoint a new trustee to serve until the next annual town election.
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