Oak Bluffs will cover shortfalls in the current town budget with money from the town’s rainy day fund, after 100 people met Tuesday night for a special town meeting at the Oak Bluffs School.
Voters agreed to transfer $106,000 from the town’s stabilization fund to cover higher-than-budgeted health insurance costs for town employees.
The six-article warrant included a technical article to appropriate $3,000 to purchase easements for the proposed roundabout at the four-way blinker intersection — a requirement for construction to go ahead, though the town does not expect to have to purchase any easements. It was approved.
The town rejected a request to join the Dukes County integrated pest management program. They also rejected a petitioned article to raise $34,000 for the purchase of a surf rake to clean town beaches.
In a surprise move voters rejected an article to approve a map that would include the Denniston House in the Cottage City Historic District. Voters previously approved the inclusion of the property in the district at the annual town meeting but the framers of that article failed to include a map. Town counsel Ron Rappaport said that the state attorney general’s office would not accept the proposed change without an approved map and Tuesday’s article was expected to be a formal confirmation of that vote.
After the meeting Mr. Rappaport said that the vote not to accept the map didn’t necessarily negate the town’s previous vote to include the property in the historic district; the article could be placed again on the next town warrant, he said.
A full report of the meeting will appear in Friday’s Gazette.
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