President Obama went to the beach in the morning and played golf in the afternoon on Sunday.
A large entourage of some 15 vehicles in the Presidential motorcade exited Blue Heron Farm just before 10, bound for Pohoganot in the rural coastal perimeters of Edgartown, where the Obamas spent the late morning on a private, Atlantic-facing south shore beach. Mr. Obama left the beach between 12:30 and 1 p.m to head back to his favorite vacation haunt, the Vineyard Golf Club, a short distance away. Mrs. Obama and the children stayed at the beach.
The President played the back nine plus a few more holes with golfing partners Eric Whitaker, Marvin Nicholson and UBS America executive Robert Wolf, who also played with the President last year.
Mr. Obama was back at home in Chilmark before 5 p.m.
The President’s morning began with a briefing on the situation in Libya, principal deputy press secretary Josh Earnest said. “The United States continues to communicate closely with our allies, partners, and the TNC. We believe that Qadhafi’s days are numbered, and that the Libyan people deserve a just, democratic and peaceful future,” Mr. Earnest said.
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