The sunset is earlier each day. We received about two inches of rain and gusty wind over the weekend before it finally cleared in time for it to rain again. Pumpkins now grace many front lawns; this is perhaps the last week to mow your yard and put your lawnmower away till spring. The leaves, with rare exception, still do not have much color and won’t this year because of the salt spray from Irene.
Congratulations to all the winners of the bass and bluefish derby.
Linda Alley, aka the jelly queen, reports that the first winter farmers’ market will be held tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Agricultural Hall on Panhandle Road. At least 20 vendors will be on hand and you can listen to live music by Kevin Keady and the Cattle Drivers.
Paul Karasik, development director at the charter school and also the mastermind behind the school’s scarecrow contest, reports that scarecrows go up this weekend but there is still time to contact him to build a scarecrow. This year’s theme is literary scarecrows. If you are interested, call him at 508-693-4059.
Anna Alley attended a medical conference in Westborough last week, then drove down to her sister Nina’s house in Providence, R.I. The mission was to help organize and attend a baby shower for our daughter Nicole. She reports that it was somewhat stressful but very enjoyable. Son Sam went to East Taunton to be with the “guys.” Both returned home Sunday night.
Barbara Levine returned home last Sunday after a week in southern California where she attended a family wedding. She reports having a swell time.
The 40th annual harvest supper, a full Thanksgiving meal, will be held tomorrow night with two sittings at 5 and 6:45 p.m. at the Stone Church in Vineyard Haven. For reservations call 508-693-1608 or 508-693-4424.
Mike Halt, principal over at the school, reports that children are eating lots of Island-grown produce from local farms this year.
The Visiting Nurse Service will hold a flu vaccine clinic at the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School gym on Friday, Nov. 11, from 8 a.m. to noon. The clinic is only for adults and high school students.
Congratulations to Tina Miller of Panhandle Road on joining the Gazette staff. Welcome aboard!
Beth Kramer, library director, reports that the library’s annual Halloween party complete with hayrides, crafts, treats and costumes galore will be held on Monday, Oct. 31, from 3:30to 5 p.m. The party is free and open to the public.
Micheline Sonia of the West Tisbury School PTO, reports that Octoberfeast at Flatbread will take place on Thursday from 5 to 8 p.m. Come and enjoy pizza for dinner; you can eat in or take out. There will be a carved pumpkin contest so bring your carved pumpkin and a $5 entry fee. No carving at the event. The winning pumpkin will receive half the pumpkin entry money. There will also be raffle baskets and of course a haunted house from 6 to 7:30 p.m. It’s all a benefit for the school PTO.
The Island Food Pantry opened for the winter on Monday. It will be open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 2 to 4 p.m at the Stone Church. Clothes To Go is also open there on Wednesdays and Fridays, as well as Saturday from 9 to 11 a.m. The weekly Edgartown suppers are starting up again and will be held each Monday at the Old Whaling Church in the Baylies Room. Doors open at 5 p.m. The suppers are free; all are welcome.
On Oct. 27, 1947, the Grange sponsored a successful costume party for 35 children and a large number of adults in the Agricultural Hall. The party opened with all the children in costume marching around the room so they could be judged. First prize for the most attractive was won by three-year-old Karen Barker dressed as Little Red Riding Hood, second to Carol Spencer in costume as Cinderella and third to Margaret Duquette who dressed as a little old fashioned lady. First prize for the most horrible costume was awarded to yours truly, second to George Churchill and third to Judith Cronig. The hall was attractively decorated with festoons of crepe paper decorations and the windows latticed with orange and black paper; lanterns and pumpkins were hung including a witch peeping out from the parted curtain on the stage. All this work was done by young ladies of the Grange, Marjorie Manter, Alice Magnuson, Virginia Rebello and Elizabeth King. Games were played and the refreshment table fascinated the children with its decorations of doughnut men with candy faces made by Lillian Magnuson. She also served cider, Halloween lollipops and other treats.
Happy birthday to: Bob Doane, Virginia Carmichael, Mary Hinckley, Amy Hoff, Ted Powell and April Knight today; Susan Silva, Katherine Stackpole, Meaghan Gouldrup and Jacob Ferry tomorrow; Dianne Rothwell, Susan Faraca, Mark Bettencourt, Wendy Forest-Biddle, Roger Blake and Caroline Flanders on Sunday; Betty Cottle, Ben DeForest, Paul Gibbs, Mary Coleman and Shirley Wilcox on Monday; Carol Koury, Doreen Rezendes, Dana Street and Sarah Mayhew on Tuesday; Sid Counsell, Laura Roosevelt, Sarah Bergeron, Amy Lawry, Paul Magid, Warren Mayo and Maureen Fisher on Wednesday; Barbara Child, Philippe Jordi, Brian Gallo, Chrysal Parrot and Heather Slayton on Thursday.
Belated birthday wishes to Sandy Hill, Bud Mayhew and Goodie Stiller and belated anniversary greetings to John Paul Jones and Irene Selvino. And special 68th wedding anniversary wishes to George and Mary Lu Hough of Indian Hill.
Well, that is all of the social news for this week’s column. If you have any news please call or e-mail me
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