Chilmark continues to enjoy the mild temperatures and mostly sunny days of this extended fall season. It is hard to focus, as we must, on the upcoming holiday events and necessary travels included. How many times a day do you hear global warming in local conversations?
There are many dates for activities that you will want to make notes of on your calendars, so I will proceed with notes from my many e-mails.
Politics seems like a relevant place to start, so I call to your attention the meeting of the Martha’s Vineyard Democratic committee at Howes House on Nov. 19 from 9 to 10:30 a.m. Following that meeting there will be organizational workshops at Howes House from noon to 3 p.m. For more information, call Zee Gamson at 508-645-3169.
Chilmark artist Wendy Weldon invites us all to her annual open studio sale at her Quitsa studio. She will be offering her recent paintings and Monica Fernandes, a jewelry designer, will be offering her works. The studio will be open on Nov. 25 and 26. Please call Wendy at 508-645-3199 for directions and further information.
The third winter farmers’ market of the season will be on Nov. 19 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Agricultural Hall in West Tisbury. This has been a successful indoor market and features several Chilmark vendors. Ethel Sherman will be selling her legendary jams and her husband, Ralph, will offer his Chilmark-grown butternut squash. The Mermaid Farm of Chilmark will be there with their popular feta cheese and yogurt, as well as other farm products. Hot lunches available, cooked by the Little Rock Farm.
Steve and Susan McGhee traveled to New York city last week and enjoyed several mild and sunny days visiting friends and family.
Chilmark again proves itself to be on top of things. I recently heard about flag football catching on and now we have an invitation from Tavi Pollard to come one and all to play flag football on Saturday, Nov. 26, for an hour beginning at 10:30 a.m. at the Chilmark Community Center field. A kids vs. grown-ups contest is scheduled. Bring every one able, ages 5 and up, and join in the fun. Please call Tavi’s grandparents for more info at 508-645-3393.
The Martha’s Vineyard Museum will be open free of charge to Island residents on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The Josh Aronie family is back after enjoying two weeks in Vermont. The Café remains open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. weekdays, with dinner on Fridays.
The Chilmark Library is gathering young folk for a chess club at the library for after school hours. Please call the library for more information.
Featherstone Center for the Arts is offering its 9th annual holiday gift show. The preview party will be on Nov. 18 from 7 to 9 p.m. and the gift show and sale will be from noon to 4 p.m. daily thru Dec. 18.
The Dukes County Fishermen’s Association will be working on the Winter Flounder Restoration Project at the Wampanoag Hatchery in Aquinnah. They hope to raise tiny flounder to stock Menemsha Pond, and send a big thank-you to the Chilmark Volunteer Fire Department for using their power hoses to clean out the large pipes that run from the Wampanoag Hatchery building to Menemsha Pond. The Dukes County Fishermen’s Association thanks Assistant Fire Chief Tim Carroll and his able crew for their help.
The 15th annual Peacecraft holiday benefit will take place in a new location this year. It will open the day after Thanksgiving and remain open from noon to 5 p.m. until Christmas Eve. The new location is across from the Black Dog Tavern at 13 Beach street extension. The sale will feature artwork of the people of Haiti and other third world countries. For more information, please go to fishfarmhaiti.org.
Tom Dresser tells us he is currently writing a book about the City of Columbus and the sinking of that ship off our shores. If you have any materials, relics, souvenirs or other that you will share with him, please contact him at thomasdresser@gmail.com.
Chilmark’s executive secretary, Tim Carroll, is back at his town hall desk after an interesting two-week visit to Bulgaria, Macedonia and Albania. He was a guest of a family there so he was shown many aspects of the countries. He stayed in Saranda, a summer resort on a harbor. He also visited Tirana, the capital of Albania. Evidence of their many years under communist rule is everywhere, but the cities are more modern. Country life is much the same as it has been, with many gardens and farm stands. He did notice that the driving of cars and buses seems to lack the safety concerns we have in the West. He has many pictures that I am sure he will share.
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