The Martha’s Vineyard Savings Bank Charitable Foundation has supported the American Red Cross, Cape Cod and Islands Chapter with a $1,000 grant to support its Martha’s Vineyard Preparedness Initiative, aimed at benefiting every resident on the Island.

The ultimate success of the initiative will be measured by having Red Cross volunteers trained, equipped and ready to operate disaster response shelters and the community to be prepared to respond to local emergencies if the need arises.

In the past two years, the chapter has worked to build its disaster volunteer team on the Island. The chapter is finalizing the training 12 new disaster volunteers and already has 10 trained volunteers in place, led by Jim Thomas from Oak Bluffs.

Thanks to donor funds, the chapter has ensured that each community on Martha’s Vineyard is equipped to shelter 48 people and a Red Cross response trailer with materials to support 100 evacuees is positioned on the Island as well as provided a Vineyard emergency response vehicle. All disaster relief support is provided free of charge; the chapter is pursuing donor and foundation funds to support the Island preparedness initiative.

For details, see online or call toll-free 508-775-1540.