Well, after a miserable month of January and remembering that just six years ago we had the coldest February in 112 years we look forward to warmer weather. Last Friday night it dropped to eight degrees above zero with a howling wind. The long-range forecast is normal February weather. The days are getting longer and now it is light until 5:30 p.m. each day. It seems that the Konicki family, up in Webster, like so many of us, are on diets. Ed reports that he has lost almost 10 pounds and so has his wife Jane.
I have a tragedy to report: Danny Prowten’s house in Indian Hill was destroyed by fire last Friday night and he unfortunately perished in the blaze. Our condolences to his family.
Dick Johnson reports that his sister Mary Jane and her husband Joe Raynor of Riverhead, N.Y. visited over the weekend; it was their first time on the Island. His daughter Sarah is spending her junior year of high school in New Delhi and attending the Vasant Valley School, after receiving a scholarship from the State Department through the American Field Service. She was one of only 35 students selected from the United States. In addition to going to school she has been traveling, learning some Hindi and hopes to be able to do some volunteer work.
Linda and Bill Tester of Oak Knoll Road, proudly announce the birth of their first grandchild, Juliette Lynn on Jan. 19. Juliette is looking forward to spending many happy days playing in the sand at Lambert’s Cove Beach and picking out candy at Alley’s with her grandparents.
A packed house, nearly 80 people, attended Cynthia Riggs’ 21st Annual Groundhog Day party last Monday afternoon. It was a great chance to socialize with your neighbors and friends, catch up with the latest political happenings around town and have an enjoyable evening with delightful food and adult beverages. The political season has begun. Dan Waters circulated his nomination papers for re-election to the library trustees and Jonathan Revere for finance committee.
Shanti Blum, of Music street, recently returned from Toronto, Canada where she spent a month visiting her son in law, Richard Chisholm, and daughter, Michelle. Richard is the executive vice president of broadcasting for the Winter Olympics next month and his wife will be the live television director in Whistler, Canada and will be in charge of all outdoor activities. She reports that they attended parties, the snowfall was nonexistent, and she had a wonderful time.
Heidi Pachico, of Skiffs Lane, reports that a significant supply of Girl Scout cookies will be arriving on Island tomorrow for Troop 80290. Girls Scouts in this area will soon be knocking on your door to fulfill your order. Heidi says that she will have an extra supply available just in case you did not order them earlier. You can reach her at 508-696-6975.
Old friend George French, of Lambert’s Cove died last week. Our condolences to his wife Mary and family.
Chris Bahara the founder of the Ten Thousand Means, is pleased to announce that nearly $7,000 was raised last weekend at the Vineyard Haven gives to Haiti project. All funds have been collected and forwarded to Doctors Without Borders. He thanks everyone who participated in the project, especially Sherm and Susan Goldstein, owners of the Mansion House.
Beginning tomorrow at 3 p.m. the Martha’s Vineyard Museum will display selected painting of Stan Murphy for the next six months. The show will feature some of the artist’s sketchbooks, studies in pencil, pen, and self-portraits that culminate in the finished paintings which are on loan from private and public collections. Also on display is the model of the Katharine Cornell Theatre he used to prepare his murals commissioned for the walls.
Lois Crane, of the Vineyard Transit Authority, is pleased to report that their annual bus passes have been available since early January. You can obtain yours at the VTA office building in the Airport Business Park from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Seniors may call the Up-Island Council on Aging at 508-693-2896 or stop in during normal business hours. She also tells us that the Island-wide bus system carried nearly 900,000 passengers last year.
Assistant principal Bob Lane reports that on Monday the school students and staff began participating in a unique program called Music Works. At the start of each day, a short piece of classical music will be played over the intercom system. The same piece will be played every day for a week, and each day there is a different introduction encouraging listeners to focus on a certain aspect of the featured selection. The program is sponsored free of charge by the Cape Cod Symphony Orchestra, and is not only designed to increase appreciation for classical music, but also to develop listening skills during the developing years and to help initiate discussions around the field of music.
Colleen Morris, over at the library, reports that Marie-Louise Rouff is the featured artist of the month; there will be an artist’s reception on Wednesday at 4 p.m. The book discussion group with Heather Capece will hold court on Monday. Bring a favorite title and come learn about future picks. Tea and refreshments will be served.
Gloria Sylva at the West Tisbury School would like to remind you that parent/teacher conferences are scheduled for Tuesday, March 2, the following Thursday, and Wednesday, March 10 there will be a noon dismissal. The sign-up books for Grades 6, 7 and 8 will be on the school office counter on Monday.
Rufus Peebles reports that the Democratic Town Committee will be holding a caucus at the Howes House next Saturday at 10:30 a.m. to elect two delegates and two alternates to the Massachusetts Democratic Convention in June. All registered Democrats are encouraged to attend and vote. If you have questions, please call Rufus at 508-693-5100.
“On the night of Jan. 25, 1951 the home of George and Lillian Magnuson, of Edgartown Road, was bulging at its seams as 43 people attended a penny auction put on by the home and community service committee of the Grange for the benefit of the March of Dimes. George Magnuson and John Forbes, Master of the Grange, were the auctioneers assisted by Natalie Vincent and Alma Benson. Home cooked foods were auctioned off after the penny sale. Refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by Mary Seiberlich and Alma. The net proceeds of the sale were $63, the largest sum collected for the charity on any occasion in town.”
Happy birthday to: Emily Rodegast, Sara Reekie, Clay Edwards and Michelle Jasny today; Maggie Bresnahan and Lisa Van Horn tomorrow; John Scanlon, Ken Campbell, Richard Olsen, Kathleen Tilton-Clancy and Jill Napier on Sunday; Elaine Barnett, Elizabeth Carr, Kate Warner and Dianne McDonough on Monday; Paul Thurlow, Alley Estrella, and Harold Lawry on Tuesday; Mabelle Madowski, Al DeVito, Kathleen Tackabury, Catherine Minkiewicz, Lynn Hoeft and Nicolas Peters on Wednesday; and Bevy Bergeron, Deirdre Ling, Anne Parker, Sandra Polleys and Karenna Hammarlund on Thursday. Belated birthday wishes to Matthew Anniese.
Well, that is all of the social news for this week’s edition. If you have any news, please call or e-mail me. Have a great week.
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