The numbers have finally come through on Island energy savings during Earth Hour, the annual worldwide event that called for people to shut down all non-essential lights and electronics for one hour on the evening of March 29. But despite widespread publicity and verbal support on the Island, NStar reports showed that the Vineyard registered zero impact on energy use during Earth Hour.
“With all the publicity that we got it didn’t even [move] the needle and had no impact on the electrical use whatsoever,” said the Vineyard Conservation Society’s Earth Hour coordinator, Marnie Stanton. “I drove down Main street, Vineyard Haven [that night] and it was absolutely lit up like a birthday cake. And it was getting publicity all over the place.”
Ms. Stanton said that the results were surprising, considering the community’s enthusiastic response leading up to Earth Hour.
“Everybody thought everybody else was doing it,” she said. “It’s very discouraging, I think.”
Ms. Stanton said the conservation society will most likely continue to encourage Islanders to participate in Earth Hour, and hopes to see more of an impact in the future. “The seriousness has not gone away,” she said of the world’s energy dependence.
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