Chilmark is a busy place. The town hall is buzzing with meetings at all hours, and when folks aren’t planning our future they are working on their own. The future of Silva Farm is under discussion and the fishermen are hopefully turning out for the Commercial Fishermen’s dinner at the Home Port on May 26 and for the documentary movie to be shown at the library on June 9. Many gardens are getting planted and lobster pots are being set. Food seems to be the priority in all these happenings . . . and how can that be bad?
The Fish Belong to the People is the name of the feature-length documentary to be shown on Wednesday, June 9, at 5:30 p.m. at the Chilmark Library. The Menemsha Fisheries Development Fund is presenting the program and the Friends of the Library are hosting it. The public is welcome at no charge.
A celebration of the life of Emmy J. Jacobi, who died on April 15, will be held on Sunday, May 30, at 4 p.m. at 17 Windy Gates Road. The entrance to Windy Gates is the first left turn after the Vincent Beach road or, the first right after Beetlebung corner, if you are going down-Island.
The Chilmark Community Church will hold a plant sale on Saturday, May 29, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Chairs restored by Bob Conway will also be sold for the benefit of the church. The sale will be at the church on Menemsha Crossroad.
Karen Flynn, with the help of her sister, Jackie, and brother, Michael, are preparing to open the Bite this weekend. Karen traveled to Haiti again this winter and reports that the situation in the earthquake area is still severe. She offers two Web sites for your viewing, and
As you read this, Peter and Della Darling are settling into their Quitsa home, having come from Stratham, N.H., for the coming seasons.
Jay Lagemann is headed home from Thailand, where he has been this winter overseeing the making of his metal sculptures. We hope the recent unrest in that country doesn’t affect his travel plans.
The Sustainable Book Club will meet on June 17 at 5 p.m. at Aquinnah Library to discuss Song for a Blue Ocean by Carl Safina.
Congratulations to Nicholas Porter of Shrewsbury, who was awarded the rank of Eagle Scout at a court of honor on May 2. Nicholas is the son of Tom and Helen Porter and the grandson of the late David and Nicka (Larsen) Porter. He has attended the national jamboree and attended a high adventure trip to Sea Base in Florida and to Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico. He will enter Boston University next fall, where he will study biology. His younger brother, Mitchell, is currently working on his Eagle rank. The Porter family is looking forward to spending the summer at their home on the Menemsha Crossroad. Cheers from us all!
Marianne Neill will be showing her new gouache paintings at the Chilmark Public Library for three weeks beginning on May 22 with an opening reception on that date from 3 to 5 p.m. The pictures may be viewed during regular library hours until June 11.
The Chilmark library will return to summer hours on June 1.
Julie Flanders is seeking volunteers to help out at the Chilmark Church’s annual Children’s Fair scheduled for June 19 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Many fun things are planned for the children and volunteers will make it all work. Please call the church or Julie if you can help out.
Susan Larsen completed the Avon walk for cancer in Boston last weekend she placed 5th in successful fundraisers for the event, and she and Suze Orman appear in a YouTube video thanking Chilmark for almost $14,000 raised to fight breast cancer. Go to YouTube, type in Susan Larsen and share their big smiles!
Meanwhile, down-Island, the Town of Tisbury wants us to know we are all welcome May 31 at the annual Memorial Day Picnic, noon to 4 p.m. at the Tashmoo Water Works, off Spring street and State Road in Vineyard Haven — accessible by bus, as parking can be difficult. Rain date is the following Sunday, June 6.
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