I love to sing my tropical heat wave song when the weather has been so hot, but I’m thinking it is a bit premature seeing that it is not even July. But we are not complaining as this has been the best spring and early summer we have had in a long time.
Happy birthday to all who celebrated their day this past week. Big balloons go out to Sara Poggi and Meghan Sawyer, who celebrated their day June 19; Lauren Boyd and Raven McCormack on June 20; Alexis Condon, Mackenzie Condon and Theo Guerin on June 22; Isabelle Murphy on June 23; and Augusto Breno and Daniel Gaines, who celebrated their day June 24.
Parker Russo returns to the Vineyard June 26 as he has every year since he was born — this year to celebrate his 17th birthday with friends, including Meade and Jake from Princeton, N.J. His Uncle Egg, Aunt Suzy and cousins Matt and Emma Sanson will also be in Edgartown to celebrate.
Every year since 1980 I have known that Jan Norton’s birthday is between June 19 and June 23. It doesn’t matter if I write it down, paste it to my forehead or whatever — I never remember to call or write a card. This year it was on Father’s Day, and I wrote and wished her husband Floyd a great day, and of course forgot that it was Jan’s birthday on June 20. So on June 23 I was writing the date and said to a customer that I knew it was somebody’s birthday but couldn’t remember whose. So here I am publicly saying I’m sorry again for the 27th time, and I hope you had a great birthday and maybe I will get it right next year!
Ralph called me to say that there were pink balloons on the Vineyard Vines Store in Edgartown which means that Ian and Jamie Murray have had their baby. I don’t have much information except that her name is Katama. This is great news to all, and being part of the beach gang on Sundays, we are expanding into the next generation. Congratulations to all and we can’t wait to meet Katama.
I am hearing that Pat Tyra has been teased about being married to George; that is the name I put in the column last week. But of course we all know she is married to Harold. I could say it was the heat, or maybe I am just losing it, but I am sure that Harold is relieved to know he is the only one married to Pat.
Well, the children have been going by the house with smiles on their faces and a spring in their steps, as this marks the last week of school. I waited on many parents who were buying plants for children’s teachers. I am wishing everyone a happy and safe summer.
Reminder to all Edgartown seniors: next Tuesday at The Anchors is the monthly birthday lunch for town seniors. Call to make your luncheon reservation and join your friends and neighbors. If it is your birthday, be sure to let the staff know so you can be part of the celebration with song and a flower.
Don’t miss next Thursday’s, July 1 archaeology lecture of Whaling Disasters: Moby Dick, Gold Rush, Confederates and Arctic Ice at 5:30 p.m. at the Martha’s Vineyard Museum library. There is a small charge for the lecture; a reception follows at the Pease House galleries on the grounds of the museum.
There is an Edgartown Gardens day on Monday, June 28, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., featuring six gardens. Information and brochures are available at the John and Judith Tankard home garden at 16 School street on the day of the tour. The event is part of the Garden Conservancy’s Open Days Program. For more information see opendaysprogram.org. For questions and information, e-mail eplimley@gardenconservancy.org, or call Doro Chaffee at 508-627-8100.
Here is a reminder to drivers that the children are out for the summer, so keep your eyes open for bikes and kids crossing the streets.
Have a great week and keep the home candles burning.
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