Chilmark moves on to August and more summer fun in the sun! The weather in July was a vacationer’s dream but a bit much for the rest of us. Now let’s see what August can do! Some homes and the town hall suffered from lightning strikes last week as the storms swept through, but no dangerous fires were started; only electrical and electronic equipment needed replacing, but that was enough to create confusion is some circles.
The harbor master and his crew have worked out ways to accommodate both visiting and resident boats in Menemsha. Not an easy task because so many slips are now gone or unusable due to the fire in mid-July. We still have visiting boats and working fishermen, all managing to do their thing daily, be it work or vacation, in our small harbor.
Let’s get the August calendar started with the Firefighters’ Annual Backyard Bash at the Chilmark Community Center on August 4 beginning at 5 p.m. There will be food and music to please all ages. It will be a good time to let those dedicated volunteers know how much we appreciate their skills.
The annual Possible Dreams Auction for the benefit of Martha’s Vineyard Community Services will take place on August 2 at Oak Bluffs Ocean Park and this year the auctioneers will be Chilmark seasonal residents Paula Lyons and Arnie Reisman. They will be aided by the entire cast of Says You!, a comic quiz show on public radio. Good luck to all!
The speaker at Chilmark library’s evening program on August 4 will be Rick Shweder, Chilmark seasonal resident, cultural anthropologist and professor at the University of Chicago, who will speak on current issues of cultural anthropology. The one-hour talk starts at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday. You may call the library at 508-645-3360 for details.
Please note that the library is also offering a program on Thursday evening at the library. Conrad Neumann will speak on the Romance of Oceanography. He is a retired professor of oceanography and marine geology at the University of North Carolina. The Thursday programs begin at 5 p.m. All library programs are open to the public, free of charge.
Matthew Stackpole of the Mystic Seaport Museum will speak at the Chilmark library on August 11 at 5:30 p.m. His subject will be the restoration of the Charles W. Morgan and the Chilmark connections to the old whale ship. This is the annual program sponsored by the Chilmark Historical Commission. All are welcome at no charge.
Happy birthday to Donny Mitchell, who is celebrating a significant birthday on August 4. He was born and raised in the Mayhew-Mitchell house at Quansoo, now believed to be one of the oldest houses in Chilmark and owned by Sheriff’s Meadow. Cheers, Donny, from all of Chilmark!
The annual selectmen’s meeting with the seasonal town residents will be on August 9 at the community center at 7 p.m. This is an opportunity for folks to hear what is going on in town hall and to make suggestions and comments on town affairs. All residents, seasonal and full-time, are encouraged to come.
Kristin Maloney of the Chilmark library reminds all students of junior high and high school ages that August 9 is the deadline for submitting original poems for the annual Elise Brickner Poetry Contest. Awards will be made on August 16.
Chilmark resident Jules Worthington will display his recent artwork at the Sovereign Bank in Chilmark from August 6 through 13. The opening reception will be on Friday, August 6, from 4 to 6 p.m. The title of this year’s show is Brookside Farm.
The Chilmark Community Church continues to host their twice-a-week flea market on Wednesdays and Saturdays at the Jenkinson field on North Road. The sales will continue until Sept. 4.
There will be a Summer Bazaar and Fancy Fleas on Saturday, August 14 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School parking lot. The event is a fundraiser for the Martha’s Vineyard Center for Living whose services benefit the senior citizens of the Island. Please call 508-360-5842 for information or to book a space.
It promises to be a busy August. Remember to check out the community center for their evening programs. Call 508-645-9484 for information.
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