Please Adopt Us

The Animal Shelter of Martha’s Vineyard is bursting at the seams with cats and newborn kittens. The kittens are only a week old, so they won’t be available for adoption for several weeks, but if you are looking for a kitten please put your name on our list and we will get in touch with you as soon as they are available.

Adult cats needing homes are: Bebe, a calico short-haired female who is a friendly indoor-outdoor cat; Stella, a darling six-month-old short-haired gray kitten who is full of mischief; Clarence, a ragdoll, domestic short-haired cross with a wonderful loud purr; Phoebe, an orange and white cat who is very friendly; Binx, our shy but very sweet black cat with the long, white whiskers; Gracie, a long-haired gray cat who is happy just being a couch potato.

We still have two guinea pigs — Mocha and Piggy Sue — and one bunny, a big white and brown female with her own indoor-outdoor cage. Her name is Honey Bun.

The one dog is Rascal, a big, goofy male who needs lots of exercise and training but would make a great pet for the right person.

The shelter telephone number is 508-627-8662; hours are Wednesdays 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.; Thursdays and Fridays, 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Saturdays 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

All pet owners are reminded to take special precautions during hurricane season for their dogs and cats in the event of a hurricane which can result in extended power outages and evacuations. Remember to keep a sufficient store of dry or canned pet food on hand as well as plenty of potable water and any necessary medications for your pet. If you need to seek shelter and are unsure about what to do with your pet, call the communications center non-emergency line at 508-693-1212 and they will contact the animal control officer in your town for assistance. Some town shelters allow pets; others do not. All animals must be crated and up to date on their shots.