Chilmark is happy to tell all that the floating docks are in and that you can now reach the far end of the fill dock — just two months and a couple of days from the fire of July 12. Good work all around.
The weather has been very pleasant and just beginning to feel like September. The beaches are busy and the sunsets still well attended.
Please remember to attend the special town meeting scheduled for Sept. 27 at the Community Center at 7:30 p.m.
The Chilmark library wants to thank the generous town businesses that contributed prizes as incentives for the annual Summer Reading Program. They are: Menemsha Market, Menemsha Texaco, The Bite, The Galley, Chilmark Chocolates and Chilmark Store. As always, the program was a great success and many children participated. Thanks to all who helped.
The Chilmark Community Church has completed the lobster roll Tuesday sales until next year. The Rev. Arlene Bodge continues with services at the church at 9 a.m. every Sunday. Sunday school is conducted at the same hour. All are welcome.
Please mark your calendars for the memorial for Rusty Walton to be held at the Community Center on Oct. 9 at 2 p.m. It will be an informal gathering of his many friends and coworkers and a potluck luncheon will be shared. Callie Silva, and Rusty’s daughter, Hillary, and his sister, Martha, will be in attendance.
Cris and Lesley Neumann are here from their home in Ireland for a vacation at the family home on State Road. They have sons Evan, Corin and 12-week-old Auden with them. Cris, son of Conrad and Jane Neumann, and Lesley have many friends in town, many made when they lived in town and worked at the Home Port. They now live in Ireland where Cris works as an artist.
Max and Connie McCreery are hosting the annual meeting at their home on South Road of the book club they belong to. Among their guests this week are Paul and Carole Johnson of Darien and Sandy Miller and Fran Hitchcock.
Norman and Diana Freed will soon visit their son Andy and his family in Falmouth as Andy is on a sabbatical from Purdue University and is working at Woods Hole for several months.
We send get-well wishes to seven-year-old Brooks Carroll, who has been at home with pneumonia. Brooks is the son of Marshall and Katie Carroll of South Road. Reports are that he is feeling better and will be back to school maybe next week — cheers from us all, Brooks, we hope you are out and about soon!
The first annual yoga festival at the Beach Plum Inn drew such a crowd that some activities were moved to the Home Port. It was said that between 80 and 90 people attended each day. The Nixons, who hosted the festival, will also be hosting the second annual veteran’s fishing weekend this weekend. They will provide all that is necessary for some 15 wounded veterans to take part in the bass and bluefish derby. Anyone who wishes to contribute money or time can call the Beach Plum Inn and offer to help. This program was a great success last year and everyone is hoping to make it as good this year.
Now, speaking of fish, how can I not tell you about our son, Caleb, and his exciting trip cod fishing in Stellwagen Bank? After 10 minutes of fishing with a jig, he caught a bluefin tuna that took him two hours to boat. The adventure provided lots of stories and some good dinners.
Dilly (Diana) DeBlase is our new receptionist at town hall. She already has a sure grasp of things and can direct you to whom or what you may want in town. Dilly is a lifelong West Tisbury resident. She now enjoys her daily commute to Chilmark.
We send condolences to the many friends and large family of Donald W. Davis of New Brittan, Conn., and Chilmark. Don died on Sept. 11 on the Vineyard and will be buried at Abel’s Hill after a service at the First Congregational Church in West Tisbury. There will be a reception after the burial at the Grange Hall in West Tisbury. Don and his wife, Virginia, and their children have been longtime seasonal residents of Chilmark and have many friends here. His lively presence will be missed among us.
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