This is the time of the year when it is colder inside than it is out. And if you are anything like us, you’ll be determined not to turn the heat on until Nov. 1. But you dress in the morning for the cold, then walk outside and start taking things off. Welcome to fall.
Happy birthday to all who celebrated their day this past week. Big balloons go out to Kylie Estrella, who celebrated her day Oct. 17; Anna Bettencourt on Oct. 18; Caitlin, Oct. 19; John Morris, Oct. 20; Hunter Cleary, Michael Johnson and Mary Morano, Oct. 21; and to Nicole Freitas, who celebrates her day today, Oct. 22.
Birthday wishes go out to Estey Teller, who celebrated her 78th birthday this past week. It is also Estey and Tom’s 55th wedding anniversary this weekend. Estey has had quite a week, as she was one of the top leaders of the derby and had keys in her hand to win the truck or the boat. They were hoping for the truck, but as they say, there is always next year. She had many people pulling for her, as she and Tommy have been such avid fishermen and are out there fishing as soon as the boat goes in the water. Congratulations on all counts, Estey, and here is to many more years of fishing and being together with Tommy.
Also, word has it that Estey gave her Ray Ellis print to her grandson, Sam Bell, as he is her fishing buddy also.
A treat is in store for the Vineyard on Sunday, Oct. 24 at 5 p.m., when the London Gold Group of Suzuki-trained musicians, ages 9 to 15, performs at the Whaling Church. The concert is free for children, with a suggested donation of $10 for adults. This is an extraordinary group of violinists and violists directed by Helen Brunner, founder of the London Suzuki Group. Bring your family and friends for a special hour of music. For more information, you can call Marilyn Hollinshead at 508-693-5803.
The Edgartown community suppers are open again on Mondays at 5 p.m. in the Baylies Room of the Old Whaling Church, from Oct. 25 through March 28. All are welcomed!
Sue and Bill Glazier are back from their road trip to Chicago, visiting Niagara Falls on the way, where they had a magnificent view of the falls from their hotel room on the Canadian side. The falls were spectacular at night with colored lights shining on them. Then they drove through Canada to Chicago, where they watched their daughter, Amanda, run in the Chicago Marathon, a huge race with 45,000 runners. Amanda is a PhD student in marine biology at UMass Boston and still finds time to run. It was a long drive, but wonderful foliage along the way.
Well, if you are a Facebook follower, you may know there is one young lady who is keeping track of that day we say every year we are going to prepare for early, so we will have no hurried days of shopping; so for those of us who have not even thought of this, there are only 63 days (or as she writes, “sleeps”) till Christmas, right Sarah Lyn!
Have a great day, and keep the home candles burning.
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