On Monday night after 7:30 p.m. not a single car passed by my house; I suspect people were gathering to watch Monday night football and cheer on the Patriots in their convincing win over the New York Jets. We can expect more severe cold and possibly snow by weekend. It has not stopped all sorts of decorating from taking place, both indoors and out. The spirit of the holiday season is upon us. A thin film of ice is on Parsonage Pond for all to see — please do not attempt to skate on it.
Jane Konicki and Judy Hall have everything all wrapped and cards sent, while some of us are just beginning the frantic mad scramble to get it all together for the holiday. We promised ourselves we would not let it slide after last year, but here we are again, in a scramble with just 13 days remaining before Christmas.
The holiday party season has begun. The town party at the Agricultural Hall was held last night. Christmas in Edgartown is happening all weekend. The staff over at the library invite all to their party on Tuesday from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Katherine Long of Scotchman’s Lane, assisted by Glenn and Rosemary Jackson of Stoney Hill, will be hosting her 32nd annual winter solstice party on Sunday, Dec. 19 at her home from noon until 7 p.m. It will be a potluck affair this year. The party is nothing short of superb and always one of the highlights of the holiday season. Everyone is welcome; please leave your dogs at home.
Phyllis Meras of Music street returned home on Thursday from a trip to New York city. On the way home she began to work on her always interesting annual Christmas poem, which will be featured in a future edition of the Gazette. Everyone loves to read it to see her poetic “presents” that go to many Islanders.
Chief Manuel Estrella wants to inform town children and their parents that Santa Claus will make a stop at the public safety building on Sunday between 1 and 3 p.m. Don’t forget to bring your list.
Kendall Gifford Miller of Athens, Ohio, arrived earlier in the week to do some season-ending chores and close his Edgartown Road home for the winter.
Anna Carringer, assistant curator at the Martha’s Vineyard Museum, reports that tomorrow Island authors will be in the museum library throughout the day to share excerpts of their latest books and autograph them: at 11 a.m. Susan Klein and Alan Brigish present Martha’s Vineyard Now and Zen; at noon Tom Dresser presents African Americans on Martha’s Vineyard, From Enslavement to Presidential Visit; at 1 p.m. Tom Dunlop and Alison Shaw present Schooner: Building a Wooden Boat on Martha’s Vineyard; at 2 p.m. Edo Potter presents Pimpneymouse Farm: The Last Farm on Chappaquiddick; and at 3 p.m. Patty Schaal presents Nighttide. Museum members receive a 15 per cent discount in the gift shop; nonmembers receive a 10 per cent discount. Admission is free if you buy a book. The museum and gift shop are open Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The museum hosts the annual wreath lighting at the Edgartown Lighthouse tonight at 5:30 p.m. with hot chocolate and holiday goodies.
Colleen Morris over at the library reports that Leslie Wheeler will be on deck at 3 p.m. to talk about and sign her new book, Thin Ice.
Stephanie Dryer, school librarian, reports that the school library’s 10th annual secondhand book sale to benefit the Island Red Stocking Fund started on Tuesday and ends on Dec. 21.
Tomorrow from noon to 7 p.m. there will be a holiday fair in the regional high school cafeteria; Santa will be on hand from 1 to 2 p.m. Proceeds benefit the model United Nations club trip to New York city.
Karen Flynn of Indian Hill Road returned home from a trip to Haiti late last month; she reports that it is still tough going down there but their projects are thriving. PeaceQuilts is booming and she flew north to help start another cooperative. She is involved in four self-sustaining quilt groups. Macy’s is selling their products this Christmas through the Heart of Haiti program and has free shipping available until tonight. Please order now to support the quilters.
Marsha Winsryg is having another African crafts sale tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at her house off New Lane.
June Manning reports that tomorrow there will be a bazaar at the Chilmark Community Center from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The proceeds from her booth for Martha’s Vineyard Center for Living will go toward buying two recliners for the Supportive Day Program and work toward a permanent home for the program.
The Martha’s Vineyard Democratic council will meet tomorrow morning at 9 a.m. in the Howes House. The event will feature a conversation with Dan Wolf, the newly elected cape and Islands state senator, who will be sworn in on Jan. 6. He will discuss priorities for the next legislative session, and hear Vineyard opinions on the key issues facing Massachusetts.
Micheline Sonia reports that the Class of 2012, currently the seventh grade class, is having their seventh annual bake sale next Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. down in Vineyard Haven at the linden tree location on Main street. Proceeds from the sale help defray costs for the class ski trip in February. The great cooks in that class are making lots of pre-wrapped holiday items you can take with you to any holiday party, plus there will be hot cider, hot chocolate and a raffle.
Happy birthday to Virginia Bardwell Jones, Professor Ellen Weiss. Dana Rezendes and Kansas Brew today; John Sonia tomorrow; John Thurber, Brian Bilsback, Lauren Withers, Christy Park, Frank Sinatra and Alan Reekie on Sunday; Susie Trees, Linda Wallace and Jan Schulze on Monday; Kathleen Gibbs, Catherine Brennan, Elizabeth Specht, Leonard Bedford III, Christy Park and Brett Fisher on Tuesday; Michelle Brescia, Nicholas Thayer, Rachel Schubert and Tim Sylvia on Wednesday; Deborah Vincent-Coutino, Jon Fragoza, Ben Rossi, Ann Holmes and Sue Hruby on Thursday. Belated birthday greetings to Jim Barrett and Polly Renear.
Well, that is all of the news for this week’s column. If you have any news, please call or e-mail me. Have a great week, and start your shopping now.
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