I am about to write and circulate a petition I want you all to sign. Let’s add to Massachusetts state law, perhaps even federal law, a requirement that all leaf blowers have mufflers on them. What do you think?
In these tough times, Red Stocking applicants are way up over last year. Please consider making your holiday gift donation to the Red Stocking Fund, care of Lorraine Clark, 131 Fairfield avenue, Vineyard Haven, MA 02568. As you know, Red Stocking provides for holiday meals and warm clothing items for our Island children. The fund does not use your financial donation to buy toys. They do try to match kids up with their toy requests. The volunteers will accept new, unwrapped toys. If you need some ideas, call Lorraine or Kerry Alley.
Our legion auxiliary will have its last meeting of the winter season on Tuesday, Dec. 14 at 6:30 p.m. at the American Legion Hall on Martin Road. We will start with a potluck supper, followed by a brief business meeting, and then our annual $5 gift exchange. New members are always welcome. As we now acknowledge the fact that many of us no longer drive when it is dark, we shall suspend meetings until March. I’ll see you Tuesday night.
The Vineyard Haven Public Library invites all to their annual holiday concert and party. The party starts at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 15. The Vineyard Sinfonietta will play at 6:30 p.m. and introduce a special guest star. I’ll see you there.
Why pay to take your car off-Island when you can shop local? Featherstone Center for the Arts continues with its eighth annual holiday gift show, daily from noon to 4 p.m., offering works by our Island artists. The price range is $5 to $250.
In the same spirit, but benefitting some of the poorest countries in the world, the annual PeaceCraft holiday bazaar is held daily at Pyewacket’s on Beach Road.
Kaye Flathers certainly started something when she began Women Empowered over 10 years ago. We miss Kaye, who has moved to Iowa, but the work continues. Aside from financial contributions (Women Empowered, P.O. Box 1253, Vineyard Haven, MA), there are spots available for volunteers to help women and men with their finances, balancing checkbooks, setting up a budget and avoiding foreclosures. Call 508-696-8880 or visit to offer your skills.
Handmade from the Heart, the annual crafts party and sale at the Dr. Daniel Fisher House to benefit Hospice of Martha’s Vineyard, is scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 11 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Hospice of Martha’s Vineyard is also offering another virtual event; visit to learn more. You may send your contribution to P.O. Box 2549, Oak Bluffs, MA 02557.
If you missed your flu shot, as I did, David Perzanowski is trained and equipped to give them at Vineyard Scripts. Call ahead if you want to make sure he is on duty. Thank you, Dave. You do so much for the community.
The birthday bandwagon pulls along Issabel Walker and Eric Claussen today. Tomorrow belongs to Crystal Sylvia and twins Jackie and Carol Tileston. Dec. 12 is a party for Michael Holenko, Vamp Campbell, and Taylor Ardeen Meadows. Dec. 13 is claimed by Nancy May Hehre. Dec. 14 shines on Cheyenne Cimeno. Dec. 15 is for Chris Baldwin, Merry Barclae Miaini, Emma Tobin, and Tim Sylvia. And on Dec. 16 Grainne Whelan takes the cake. Many happy returns.
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