Winter is upon us. The winds have been swirling all week and the temperatures have dipped to below freezing most nights. The leaves have disappeared and in their place are the winter berries, holly berries, and bittersweet dotting the landscape. Scalloping on Menemsha Pond has been interrupted on occasion due to the temperature.
The Aquinnah holiday potluck and Christmas party will be held on Thursday, Dec. 16 from 4 to 6:30 p.m. at the Aquinnah town hall. Santa will be arriving on his usual mode of transportation for this time of year, via the Aquinnah fire truck. He’ll arrive with gifts for each child in Aquinnah from newborns through age 12. Please bring a dish to share for the potluck and celebrate the season with your neighbors. There will be games for the children and adults will enjoy the party as well. Betty Joslow and her Christmas elves have been very busy with all the preparations, so please join in the fun.
The Minnesingers concert will be this evening at 8 p.m. at the Old Whaling Church with tickets $15. On Saturday, Dec. 11 they will have a 4 p.m. concert with tickets $10 and children admitted free. Elsie Fantasia will be one of the members performing.
State senator-elect Dan Wolf will meet Vineyarders on Saturday, Dec. 11 at the Howes House (across from Alley’s General Store) in West Tisbury from 9 to 10:30. He will listen to your suggestions and priorities for the next two years’ agenda of the Massachusetts legislature. He will also talk about his own ideas and plans for the future. The discussion is sponsored by the Martha’s Vineyard Democrats and they promise “good people, good ideas, and some holiday cheer.”
Chilmark Community Center will sponsor its annual holiday bazaar on Saturday, Dec. 11 from 9 to 2 p.m. Coco Adams will be on hand to assist you throughout the day. There will be wreaths and table centerpieces handmade by the ladies of the Chilmark Church. Ethel Sherman will be there with her delicious jams and jellies. Lunch will be available with chowder, sandwiches, muffins and beverages. There will also be an array of books, antiques, jewelry and handmade items. Enjoy the holiday cheer.
Martha’s Vineyard Center for Living board members will be at the Chilmark bazaar on Saturday. You will have an opportunity to purchase raffle tickets for the six-month raffle which includes a plane ride around the Vineyard with David Stein, a watercolor painting by Joseph Palermo, a handmade floral print bag by Sylvie, autographed books by Alison Shaw, and wampum jewelry. Since changing the name to the MVC4L in 2009, the year 2010 was the great awakening to inform the Vineyard community of the work that has in fact been carried on for the past three decades. Over the summer the board set a goal, and it was achieved this past week with the award of a scholarship from the Farm Neck Foundation in the amount of $3,000. Thank you, Farm Neck. The scholarship money will go towards the purchase of much needed computers and for an overhead projector. Over the weekend, board members were at Cronig’s Market and received donations for the purchase of two recliners for the comfort of those clients in the Supportive Day Program taking a nap. Thank you to all who stopped by the table, especially while I was there on Friday afternoon. Your generosity, pledges and support is very much appreciated.
All the best to Derrill Bazzy, who stepped down as chairman of the Aquinnah housing committee this past week. Derrill has been at the helm of the committee since its inception 12 years ago. He will be sorely missed for his vision, his tenacity, his guidance, and his great leadership as the chairman.
Condolences to the family and friends of Heather Jardin, who passed away on Wednesday at Brigham and Women’s Hospital following a long and courageous battle with leukemia and having had a bone marrow transplant six months ago.
Noah James Manning enjoyed the Museum of Natural History while in Manhattan over the holiday. He especially enjoyed viewing the whale exhibit. This week he is enjoying the rewards of an eight point buck — well, at least the antlers for his personal museum.
James Shepherd and his daughter, Billie Diamond Vanderhoop-Shepherd, returned this week from a fun-filled trip to Disney World.
Condolences to the family and friends of Marjorie Taylor, who passed away at home this week. She was always so very kind and of great assistance.
Lisa Bibko-Vanderhoop will be at the Edgartown School craft fair on Saturday, Dec. 11 during the Christmas in Edgartown with her 2011 Vineyard Seadogs calendar. Stop by and see Lisa at the school.
Heard near the clay cliffs of Aquinnah this week: “The building needs to be removed, it does not fit with the character of the town!” The particular building in mind has only been in town for the past 63 years.
Happy 11th anniversary wishes to Leigh and Christy Moreis on Dec. 12.
Happy birthday wishes this week to Christopher Manning on Dec. 12; he shares the day with John Thurber. Charles Thomas will celebrate on Dec. 13 and shares the date with Tom Smith, Dick Vincent, Gary Kurth and Laura Hilliard. Joan Wallen will celebrate on Dec. 14 and shares the day with Lisa Specht. Ariana Feldberg will party on Dec. 16 and shares the day with Douglas Plumer. Frank Scott observes his special day on Dec. 17.
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