The Edgartown selectmen have asked the Martha’s Vineyard Land Bank Commission to join in a possible purchase of the Mini Park on Main street.
At the selectmen’s meeting on Monday, land bank commissioners Edith Potter and Edward W. (Peter) Vincent said although it is land bank policy not to own property in town centers, they were willing to go to bat for the town.
“I think that park is a jewel of a park of Main street, Edgartown; it makes this town so beautiful,” Mrs. Potter said. “I love that park but we’re going to have a hard sell to the land bank.”
A gathering place and scene of countless public charity events, including the annual chowder contest to benefit the Red Stocking Fund tomorrow, the small park is owned by the Hall family and leased to the town for public use. The Edgartown conservation commission holds the lease. In 2005, a plan to take the parcel by eminent domain was turned down by voters at the annual town meeting.
Now the idea of the town taking ownership of the park is up for discussion again. The concept discussed this week was a joint purchase between the land bank and the town, possibly using Community Preservation Act money for the town share of the purchase.
The selectmen are discussing the idea for possible inclusion on the annual town meeting warrant in April.
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