Friday, May 29: Mostly overcast. Skies darken as storm clouds pass overhead. Occasional rain. A midafternoon heavy shower. Pools of rainwater on the street have streaks of yellow pollen. Skies start to clear before sunset. Partly cloudy at night.

Saturday, May 30: Bright and sunny morning. Bees hover over a lone Chilmark house in an open field. Lilacs are in full bloom in Edgartown. Tomato plants get a watering in a Vineyard Haven garden. Light afternoon breeze. Fishermen gather along the shoreline of Lagoon Pond an hour before sunset. A first quarter moon lights Sengekontacket Pond late at night.

Sunday, May 31: Sunny, light breeze on the water. A kayaker paddles along Edgartown harbor, his boat slides on the calm water. Red and white flowers decorate the edge of Eastville Beach; rosa rugosa are in bloom. Seeds are planted in a Vineyard Haven garden partly cloudy skies. Increasing clouds, cooler in the late afternoon.

Monday, June 1: High flying clouds over Oak Bluffs. Ocean Park grass is lush. Strollers walk across the park under a bright sun. Breezy near the water.

Tuesday, June 2: Thick fog in Katama Bay limits visibility to a few hundred feet. A shellfish constable boat disappears in the fog bank. Rain shower passes over Vineyard Haven harbor. Skies clear in the afternoon. Sunshine late.

Wednesday, June 3: A bright sunny morning. High flying cirrus lace the deep blue sky. Chilly. Clouds arrive from the west before noon. Light drizzle in the late afternoon. Periods of sunshine. Rain later.

Thursday, June 4: Showers pass over as the Vineyard sleeps. Skies lighten in late morning.
