The Stone Soup celebration of heroes, an awards ceremony featuring the late Walter Cronkite, originally held at the Tabernacle in July, 2000, featured as a film, will be rebroadcast on Thursday, Sept. 3 at 8 p.m. on MVTV Channel 13, followed by a free reception for award winners, friends and supporters from 7 to 8 p.m. (RSVP for directions: e-mail or call 415-912-6957.)

At the event, young people, adults, businesses and seasonal residents from each of the Island’s six towns were recognized for their contributions to the Island. Trude Lash presented the Eleanor Roosevelt Award. Hulas King presented the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. award. Mr. Cronkite received the community hero award for his support for Sail Martha’s Vineyard.

The film was produced in partnership with Galen Films, based in Vineyard Haven.

Mr. Cronkite was honorary chair of the Stone Soup Leadership Institute, a nonprofit education organization founded on Martha’s Vineyard in 1997 that develops educational tools to train young leaders to build a better world. The book Stone Soup for the World: Life-Changing Stories of Everyday Heroes has been used worldwide in schools, YMCAs, youth groups and colleges.

The tribute features Mr. Cronkite along with our heroes’ inspiring stories, and it’s also available on YouTube — part of the institute’s Walter Cronkite Global Technology Initiative, which hopes to realize his dream of bringing to life the stories in the book to inspire the next generation to build a better world. See online