A few years ago someone said that relative to its population size, Chappaquiddick produces more than its share of public servants compared to the rest of Edgartown. That person’s explanation was there’s nothing much to do on Chappy. It’s true that it’s a bit quiet now, but then the rest of Edgartown is not exactly a hotbed of social activity at this time of year. And after all, as town administrator Pam Dolby reminded me recently, Chappaquiddick is part of Edgartown — even if we don’t always act like we think we are.
Once again, though, Chappaquiddick is offering up one of its own to run for selectman. Bob Fynbo has announced his candidacy on his Web site, There’s lots of information there including his thoughts and ideas regarding the town’s vision, finances, affordable housing, environment, and technology.
Bob says he will bring a fresh perspective, an ability to “think outside the box,” and lots of experience from running his own businesses and doing volunteer work, including recent extensive help with carpentry projects and computer issues at the Edgartown library where his wife, Felicia Cheney, is director. You can give Bob feedback on the Web site — either confidential or you can include contact information for a response — or call him at 508-627-7376.
Shirley Dewing, member of the Unity Club of the Federated Church, reminds all Edgartown women they are invited to the club’s annual Valentine Tea on Wednesday, Feb. 13 at 1:30 p.m. Mark Alan Lovewell will provide the entertainment.
I asked Kitt Johnson about the tide engine project in which Edgartown is involved. He was in charge of the permit application for this renewable energy generation study proposed for the channel between the Vineyard and Nantucket.
Kitt says: “As I’ve learned more about tide engines, I am intrigued by the possibilities inherent in them. Individually, they are not as powerful as big windmills on a windy day, but they work every day, not just when the wind is blowing. I like the idea of reliable, predictable power. And they will be out of sight.”
Last Fall, Kitt talked informally with several Chappy residents about the tide engines and found that most seemed cautiously positive, but shared his concern about impact on marine life. Kitt says that so far, the marine studies have been reassuring.
If the town is awarded the permit, it will take about a year to determine whether the currents are fast enough to make the project economically sensible and to identify the balance of studies needed. The next year, small-scale prototypes would be placed to determine any environmental effects, and the third year, if all goes well, a pilot plant would be installed and the licensing process begun. But it all hinges on what the initial studies find.
The Chappy book club will meet at Annie Heywood’s house to discuss the book True North on Tuesday, Feb. 12th at 10:30 a.m. Call 508-627-4754 for more information.
The next potluck at the community center will be a dinner and film evening on Wednesday, Feb. 20, hosted by Pat Rose and John Ortman. More details next week.
Recently posted on the Chappy ferry is a clarification of rates, including information about which tickets can or cannot be used for trailers and dump trucks, etc.
Some of the wonderful women I play music with in the West Tisbury church hand bell choir are part of the Spindrift Marionettes who are presenting Cupid and Psyche, a Greco-Roman mythological love story between god and mortal on Saturday, Feb. 16 at 5:30 p.m. at the Unitarian Church in Vineyard Haven. Silken marionettes, life-sized god and goddess puppets, and shadow puppets dramatize this tale of love and loss, courage and despair, which is appropriate for children over five and for adults. The adaptation and music are original. The show is fifty minutes long. Admission is $10 for adults and $5 for children as a donation to benefit the Mama Bakhita Center for Disabled Children and the Upeme Orphanage in Zambia. Call 508-693-4059 for information.
I always tell people that February is my favorite winter month because the sun is warm again, the days are longer and sunnier, and there is less wind. So far, I’m not sure this February will live up to my expectations. However, we have had some warm days, or at least not cold ones, and while I worry about global climate change, I’ve been enjoying walks and getting some outdoor chores done.
Also, I have something to look forward to because I hung our new screech owl box on a tree near my driveway and now I just have to wait for an owl to find it. Who says life on Chappy isn’t exciting?
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